Maske syken i ALBUEKLUBBEN

Regjeringen, politikerne pluss sykehusene har gått ut med løgn og bedrag mot eget folk om en Korona pandemi som ikke finnes, og som overhodet ikke er en pandemi, men en plan-demi!

De kaller rottegift å være en vaksine. Vi har mye å snakke om, mine venner!

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Maske syken i ALBUEKLUBBEN

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Tir Des 21, 2021 4:26 pm


FOR THOSE WITH MASK ATTACHMENT SYNDROME; There are still many people who do not know that they are exempt from face coverings.

People who are suffering in the false assumption that they have to wear masks. These people are psychologically damaged and ill informed and need our compassion not condemnation. Give them a smile and show them how safe you feel by example. They may be scared, not being worthy of approval and love from the collective group, suffering from mass formation and cognitive dissonance coupled with fear and PTSD. They may be terrified of a virus that they believe is out to get them the moment they take their mask off. Some believe masks their mask prevent them fom dying. Masks cause more harm than good.

The other more prevalent and damaging virus is the virus of comdemnation, scorn and judgement directed at those with open and free faces. Staunch mask wearers fear such judgement.

Don't give in to the fear, don't collude with other's psychosis just to fit it and know your lawful rights.

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Covid 19-virus finnes ikke.

UNREAD_POST Spanias høyesterett » Tir Des 21, 2021 9:53 pm


Spain is the 9th country to take the health minister to court, asking for PROOF that the COVID-19 virus exists. However, all health ministers FAILED to come up with the evidence because the virus DOES NOT EXIST.

The Spanish health minister didn't even attend the hearing. Instead, the minister sent a letter explaining that NO EVIDENCE for the virus's existence can be found.

It's easy to understand why no politician can ever show the proof: COVID-19 was PATENTED years ago after being manufactured in a lab.

In other words, COVID-19 is a BIOWEAPON. That breaks global biological weapon treaties and the Nuremberg Code.

Any government official who shows evidence that the virus was patented years ago will ADMIT that GENOCIDE is occurring worldwide. ALL involved in this EVIL, nasty business will then have to be arrested. They will go to Nuremberg-type trials and will not come out alive if found guilty.

Those involved are the big pharmaceutical companies, asset management companies, politicians, doctors, nurses, teachers, and anyone else pushing the Covid narrative such as the New World Order promoters.
Spanish High Court Evidence

Since the virus is now PROVEN NOT TO EXIST, then ask these questions:

Why the masks?
Why the social distancing?
Why the lockdowns?
What's in the jabs?
Why the furlough?
Why the police brutality?
Why the government mandates?

Australia now has its health minister going to court over there on this same issue. But, again, no proof will be given.

The nasty thing about these court cases is that the presstitute, scamming, lying, deep state-owned mainstream media refuses to report them. As a result, the owners and bosses of those EVIL outfits - CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC, ABC, Spanish TV, etc., and ALL newspaper bosses and editors - will also be CHARGED with GENOCIDE.

This is it, folks. Judgment day is coming for these evil bastards.

Here's another video on this Spanish high court subject: ... rR2BWhQzNE
Spanias høyesterett

NEI til VAKSINERING, forgiftning av barn!

UNREAD_POST Korona-albuene » Ons Des 22, 2021 7:49 am


Denne henvendelsen er spesielt rettet mot dere som er foreldre av barn og unge!

Nå er det viktig å forhindre videre massevaksineringen av barn og unge. Det er nå det gjelder!

Advokat Erlend Efskind har den siste uken gjort en kjempejobb med å forfatte «Et prosessvarsel og krav til Regjeringen om umiddelbar stopp i vaksineringen av barn og unge»

Prosessvarselet skal danne grunnlaget for et eventuelt søksmål for å få stoppet vaksineringen av barn og unge, dersom Regjeringen ikke snur – noe vi håper på.

Tanken er at brevet skal spres av alle foreldre, slik at Regjeringen blir bombardert med krav. Svarer de ikke innen 1 uke, så mobiliserer vi til gruppesøksmål, hvor de som er interesserte av de som har sendt inn, kan delta.

NB.: Det at dere foreldre sender brevet til statsministeren og helseministeren binder dere ikke til å delta på selve søksmålet (om myndighetene da ikke gir seg). Det er to ulike aksjoner. ... n-og-unge/
Krav om umiddelbar stopp i vaksinering av barn og unge

Folkeaksjonen FrieMenneske ( ... n-og-unge/)
Krav om umiddelbar stopp i vaksinering av barn og unge - Folkeaksjonen FrieMenneske
Del med andre Kjære følgere av Frie menneske og kjære foreldre. Denne henvendelsen er spesielt rettet mot dere som er foreldre av barn og unge! Nå er det viktig å forhindre videre massevaksineringen av barn og unge. Det er nå det gjelder! Advokat Erlend Efskind har den siste uken gjort en kjempejobb i så måte.

Re: Maske syken i ALBUEKLUBBEN

UNREAD_POST Foreldre » Ons Des 22, 2021 7:57 am

Nå er det også slik at NOEN av foreldrene har gitt beskjed til våre ungdommer- at de ikke måtte vaksinere seg, men flere har ikke tatt advarselen alvorlig og likevel trodd på massemorderne i stedet- og latt seg forgifte. Det er mange som har gått til slakteren, uten foreldrenes samtykke.

Og det er meget trist å se at de ikke har skjønt alvoret i løgnen om et VIRUS, som ikke finnes andre steder enn inni sprøyten de har mottatt.

President Trump gikk imot ALBUEKLUBBEN!

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Søn Nov 27, 2022 9:14 pm

What does this have to do with the vaccines? EVERYTHING! President Trump has always been a major obstacle in these wicked plans. He made it very clear to the globalists that he is not going to allow them to destroy America, and turn it into a nameless, branded slave of the New World Order.

The true vision behind ‘Make America Great Again’ is to prevent it from being absorbed by the monster of the global superstate.

Trump was therefor their greatest threat. That explains their unrelenting attacks on him. It also explains why he was so bashed by the media, non stop. They just had to take him out. It is also the reason why he had to be removed from office through election interference, so a globalist puppet could replace him.

Trump was their worst nightmare. A massive stick in their wheels.

When they unleashed the pandemic, their plan was to impose vaccine mandates on all of humanity. This was key to their agenda of turning the earth into one huge prison state. If life is only possible with a vaccine passport, you are a slave of those who mandate all future vaccines, and there’s no way out. You can only move around, if you take the next vaccine, and the next, and the next, and so on.

Vaccines become the only key to a normal life.

These brand new mRNA vaccines however serve the plans of the globalists in more horrendous ways than any sane human being can imagine. As we understand the agenda of changing humanity into easily controllable cyborgs, it shouldn’t surprise us that the ultimate goal of forcing people to continually get more and more injections, is in reality to inject into them an increasing amount of DNA and RNA altering material, as part of the plan to shift humanity from version 1.0 to 2.0.

Transhumanism is at the very heart of the globalist agenda.

Ending humanity as we know it, reprogramming the human DNA and making us all fit to become the desired type of obedient, unquestioning citizens of the worldwide superstate, run by this elite.

No, it’s not too far fetched. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook was caught on camera, admitting in an insider meeting with his staff, that the mRNA vaccines indeed alter the human DNA. Interestingly enough he censors anyone talking about this on Facebook…

Video footage shows how the Pfizer vaccine contains an unknown living organism. What is the purpose of this living organism inside the vaccines? Why is there so much talk about inserting nanotechnology into the human body?

I believe the vaccines are used to prepare our bodies to become connected to the digital control networks. Reprogramming human bodies, to increasingly become digitized, making us connectable to technology. Every new vaccine adds a little more nanotechnology, one step at a time, more and more…

Dr. Carrie Madej explains in the documentary The Battle For Humanity (make sure to watch this!) how injected nanotechnology, can set up ‘drug factories’ inside of our bodies. These invisibly small ‘factories’ can then produce all kinds of drugs on command. They could be activated by an external source, like sattelites, cell towers, or our smartphones. Dr. Madej says how she was present at several top level medical conferences, where the ‘experts’ (she calls them ‘crazy, evil professors’) openly talked about this.

Besides preparing humanity for transhumanism, the vaccines also serve to dramatically reduce the world population, by killing all the weak and vulnerable ones, whose bodies cannot withstand this biological attack.

As you are probably aware of, dramatically decreasing the worlds population is at the top of their to-do list.

Thirdly the vaccines serve to weaken the world population in general, so they would be easier to control. A weak and tired person is only just able to work for the elite, and has no strength left to ask questions or resist.

This is a strategy they have been using for decades already, by poisoning our food, water, air, medicine and minds.

It is no coincidence that most of the food in supermarkets is industrial, highly processed, extremely toxic pseudo-food, that - according to many medical doctors - accounts for 85% of all modern day disease. It is also no accident that gas stations only offer health-wrecking ‘snacks’ to the countless travelers. Fast food chains dominate every nation, offering rubbish to humanity that this world has never seen before, in her long existence. All this toxic fake-food is weakening humanity, as never before.

90% of all modern day disease didn’t even exist a century ago!

It’s hard to find a fully healthy person on earth today, specially in the western nations. It seems as if everyone has some sort of health issue. Chronique fatigue, sleeping disorders, allergies, ringing in the ears, headaches, nervous pains, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and hundreds of other illnesses. Did I mention the worldwide epidemic of anxiety disorders, depression, autism, etc? Statistics show children have more chronic health issues, than ever before. At the same time they are the most vaccinated children who ever existed. See the connection?

Weakening the population is key to controlling them.

That’s why every effort to create natural medicine, always faces tremendous opposition, and it’s also why thousands of natural doctors have been found dead, and every inventor of a cancer cure suddenly had a ‘heart attack’.

As controlling, erasing and weakening humanity is at the very heart of the plans of the globalist elite, imposing vaccine mandates is critical to their success.

Now that we know their agenda, we come to a key question: what did President Trump do, to sabotage these insane plans?

He started promoting cures and therapeutics for COVID-19.

By doing this, he effectively removed every legal base for vaccine mandates in America. Because a vaccine can only be mandated if there is no cure. That’s why every single cure for covid has been suppressed by the globalists. That’s also why many medical doctors who successfully treat covid patients, have been censored. They desperately need to hide the cures for covid, because they must succeed in mandating the vaccines, both now and forevermore.

So when Trump started tweeting about the cures for covid, he simply threw a big rock into their windows. He also tweeted the famous White Coat Summit by Americas Frontline Doctors, where safe and effective covid-cures were presented to the world, which again eradicates the need for a vaccine. The live broadcast was viewed twenty million times and then this group of medical doctors was censored by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and their website was taken down.

What did Trump do? He promoted them on Twitter! BAM! Another major blow in the face of the globalists. ‘There are cures for COVID-19!’

Later Trump and his family said they had covid, and recovered blazing fast thanks to the ‘miraculous therapeutics’ they had received. Once again President Trump removed the legal base for vaccine mandates, by declaring that he, his wife and his son were cured by therapeutics.

So President Trump has made it very clear to the hundreds of millions of people around the world, who listened to him:

'Nobody needs a vaccine. There are cures. No vaccines can be mandated.'

How can you save severely brainwashed people?

President Trump was facing an enemy of enormous proportions … in the minds of the majority of the American people, and the world. For decades the mainstream media and criminal health institutions have indoctrinated all of humanity with the lie that vaccines are the only way to stay healthy, and defeat infectious diseases.

As a result President Trump had to deal with a world population that is so severely brainwashed, that - no matter how much he speaks about cures and therapeutics - they still demand a vaccine.

Now comes the clue: knowing that only a vaccine would be able to end the globalist lockdowns, and therefor prevent the Great Reset, Trump knew he had to start pushing vaccines. So he did. Interestingly enough, he tweeted right after his first announcement of the Pfizer vaccine:

“I wish people would stop killing themselves.”

That says it all, right there.

Then Trump did something else to once and for all prevent the vaccine mandates: he rushed the development of the vaccines so ridiculously fast, that they ended up being not a real vaccine, but an experimental medical product. A medical experiment can NEVER be mandated! So once again, he sabotaged the plans of the globalists to impose vaccine mandates. Also, he knew fully well that the educated part of the world will be greatly alarmed by this. By making the vaccines experimental products, he gave all of us the perfect tool in our hands to warn humanity:

This is not a vaccine, but an untested, experimental biological agent! Whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE THIS!

Another strategic element of these rushed vaccines, is because they skipped all necessary safety testing, they are causing way more adverse events than planned, which once again is alarming humanity!

Thanks to this rushed dangerous vaccine, that has more adverse events than any vaccine ever, billions of people are now learning, for the first time in their life, about the devastating risks of vaccines in general! It wouldn’t surprise me if this ultimately results in vaccines being banned from the face of the earth altogether, in the future. Who knows…

You have to understand this: Trump can never say publicly how bad vaccines are. He would right away be accused by all the big media, and the majority of the corrupt government (left and right!) of murdering the American population. So he has to be smart.

He gave the world ‘vaccines’, therefor the lockdowns can be ended, and the plan to destroy humanity through endless lockdowns fails.

Of course he needs to say they are ‘safe and effective’, but even this is waking up the world, as people hear the claim ‘safe and effective’ while around them they see the destruction these vaccines are causing. This is undermining their blind faith in the governments and ‘health’ institutions, which is again a massive blow on the stronghold of the elites’ control over the world.

The globalists are freaking out of course, because this wasn’t their plan. So now they are all crying out in a frenzy:

’The vaccines actually don’t even protect you, you still need the lockdowns, essentially the vaccines don’t do anything. You can still get and transmit COVID-19.’

Total insanity of course, which is waking up even the most brainwashed people among us. ‘Who on earth wants to take a medical experiment, that doesn’t even do anything?' More and more people ask questions, which is the last thing the elite needs.

Do you see, how the strategic steps taken by Donald Trump are literally wreaking havoc on the plans of the wicked globalists?

Of course it is tragic that people suffer from the vaccines. But let’s be honest: the amount of information warning the world for these vaccines is so immense, so overwhelming…. It is indeed a conscious choice of many people to deny all this wisdom, and as Trump said on Twitter to ‘kill themselves’.

The Bible speaks about how Wisdom stands on the corners of the streets shouting to the people, to warn them. But they prefer foolishness instead of wisdom, and as a result they walk into their own doom.

It is a basic reality in this life: when we reject sound wisdom, we end up in destruction. Only wisdom keeps us safe.

Trump shouted from the rooftops that no vaccines are needed, because there are cures. Everyone with an ear, heard that. Then he had to play the wargame to stop the New World Order, by pushing a vaccine, that is experimental, therefor it cannot be mandated, yet it should help end the lockdowns.

I hope you understand the kind of war we are in, and the strategic way Trump has to move, in order to save America and the world from the globalist New World Order.

If the lockdowns can be stopped, their plan fails, and freedom is restored!

That’s what it’s about.

The election steal was
part of the plan

Then there is the election fraud. Do we really think this was a surprise to President Trump and his military intelligence support group? Of course not. It doesn’t matter what we believe about the military intelligence operation called Q, fact is they accurately predicted everything that has happened so far.

They warned the patriots that Biden would be president, that a necessary scare event would occur, that we had to walk through the dark in order to see the light, that the elections would be stolen, and that a foreign entity would take control of the White House. Even the attack on Congress and impeachment attempt was predicted.


All by all I believe we are seeing a very smart operation being worked out, that will eventually save America, and ultimately the entire world.

It’s for a reason that Q kept saying: ‘Trust the plan’ and ‘Nothing can stop what is coming’.

These military intelligence patriots and God fearing freedom fighters have been preparing the take down of the corrupt power structure for decades. They are - as far as I have been able to discern - among the most intelligent and wise people on the face of the earth. They claim to have access to all the information in this world, and see and hear everything the elite is doing.

Of course the election theft was part of their plan. They knew what the wicked were preparing. George Soros made it plain and clear during his speech at the World Economic Forum:

‘Trump is a threat that will disappear in 2020’.

What is happening now? Can Trump personally reveal all the evidence for the election steal? Of course not. He would simply be accused of lying, and many Americans would hate him even more. So what is Trump doing? He is allowing the people of America to expose the evidence for the election steal. He stepped aside, as if he ‘accepts’ the election results, and meanwhile Mike Lindell is producing epic documentaries that prove how the elections have been stolen. BAM!

Trump cannot be accused of refusing to accept his ‘loss’, and independent citizens are doing the work.

Another element of allowing the election steal, is that this causes all corrupt politicians to reveal themselves. So now Trump sees all the true faces, and he knows who was a traitor all along. All the corruption is being exposed.

Some insist that Trump also serves the dark side, but to me that doesn’t line up. The fact that entire cults of witches and satanists all over the world have stood up to publicly curse Trump, shows how the realm of darkness hates him. If he was on their side, the global community of witchcraft and satanism would never attack him like that. Never before in history has there been such an organized effort by witches and satanists all over the world, to collectively try to destroy a person.

The hatred of the mainstream media against Trump also shows clearly what camp he is in. The media only bash their enemies! Even the collaboration between several nations worldwide to steal the election, is solid evidence of how Trump is a threat to the cabal.

I am convinced there will come a day when the election will be revisited and the righteous President - overwhelmingly chosen by the people - will be acknowledged. We are now simply in a difficult period of waiting, persevering and doing our part in this battle for the salvation of humanity.

And believe it or not: all of us play a critical part. You are needed, just as much as I am needed. You can do so much more than you are aware of: praying, spreading truth, supporting other freedom fighters, and so on.

If we all form ONE VOICE worldwide, nothing can stop us.

Sist flyttet til topp av BmOnline den Søn Nov 27, 2022 9:14 pm
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