Vaccines: Are they destroying the body’s ability to fight

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Vaccines: Are they destroying the body’s ability to fight

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Søn Des 25, 2016 7:53 pm

Vaccines: Are they destroying the body’s ability to fight disease and causing new diseases?

We have been told our whole life by doctors, school systems, the FDA, CDC, NIH and the main stream media that vaccines are “safe and effective” without researching it ourselves.

The problem is they are not, in fact, they are so toxic that everyone who receives a vaccine has a toxic response. Maybe it is just at the site of the injection, i.e. inflammation and pain, or something much more destructive like brain damage or even death!
The whole concept of vaccines is based on the “hypothesis” that by injecting a small amount of a known dis-ease into the human body, the body’s immune system will create an immunity to said dis-ease. WRONG!

This idea of “vaccine induced” herd immunity has never been proven or even worked! There is a “natural herd immunity” that exists and this is basically when someone, for instance, gets the measles, chicken pox or mumps they, 95% of the time, never get that dis-ease again in their lives, hence: immunity for these diseases!

No one disputes that the body can naturally create an “acquired immunity” from dis-ease. The human body is VERY smart! The problem is this falsehood of vaccine induced herd immunity is unscientific and what is being taught in medical universities, allowed by the FDA and promoted by the main stream media, i.e. “fake news” as being completely true!

I highly recommend watching the following videos before receiving ANY vaccine. There are many more below in the reference section:
A honest and brave Doctor’s testimony: The Brilliance of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines:

The Idea that Vaccines Make Us Healthy Is an Illusion:

Vaccines are causing many diseases by killing the immune system.

• Vaccines: The True weapons of mass destruction:

• Dementia in the 40’s why? : ... their.html

• Herd Immunity:

• Children suffer vaccine side effects:

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated children: ... ors-agree/ ... healthier/ ... -children/

Note: ALL of the major medical schools teach the “Allopathic” method of medicine and are owned by the same people that own the pharmaceuticals and the banks that fund them.

“Allopathic medicine is based on the “germ theory”, that microbes and viruses, cause disease. Medical science bases the use of vaccines on the theory that the body forms antibodies to “fight” natural viruses. They believe that these antibodies live on after the virus is contained, thereby creating immunity.

First, we must consider the facts known to evaluate medicine’s viral theory. Science has proved that viruses are not alive, that they are predominantly protein but that they contain organic DNA. Science has proven that virus increases only in the presence of live cells, and that they cause certain cells, and/or parts of cells to dissolve. What is believed and taken as fact but not proved, is that viruses are non -discriminatingly destructive “things” that self-replicate. That is like saying that laundry soap, because it is found in homes inhabited by humans, self-replicates. Those assumptions and conclusions are shallow and ludicrous.

Medical science operates from fear, and it attacks the body. All medical procedures for treating disease are written by pharmaceutical-related individuals and groups. That is a severe conflict of interest. Self-produced health or medication-dependent profit, which do you think that they want?

A rational and logical conclusion would be that virus are solvents (cleansers) manufactured by individual cells to dissolve degenerative tissue (disease) caused by accumulated waste and industrial toxins, including medicines. Virus contain DNA because cells have used substances within themselves to synthesize virus; DNA is a part of that. When the cleansing and healing processes cease, cells stop producing large amounts of virus.

Normally, healthier bodies symbiotically utilize bacteria and parasites to cleanse themselves of cellular degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are the bodies preferred janitors. Bacteria and parasites consume the degenerative tissue and organic waste and reduce it to a tiny fraction of the original mass eaten. They can consume 100 times their weight and reduce it to 1-percent excretion. When eating a healthy raw diet, our bodies easily secrete and/or excrete the 1-percent excretions from bacteria and parasites.

However, when bodies become too toxic with industrial toxins, including medicines, the bacteria and parasites are poisoned to death. Under such toxic conditions, the only cleansing method that the body can utilize is virus. So, cells synthesize viruses. I reiterate, viruses are solvents that dissolve degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are beneficial in preventing disease; they do not cause disease. The symptoms that accompany viral, bacterial or parasitical detoxifications are a necessary process but can be mitigated with the consumption of plenty of raw eggs and raw dairy fats.

The key is: We should trust, nurture and understand the body and Nature, not fear them.
Inoculating people to prevent viral infections is ridiculous and dangerous. After many years of experimentation, Louis Pasteur realized that the idea of vaccination was doomed. He confessed on his deathbed to his assistants that a poor (toxic) environment within the body creates disease. Microbes do not cause disease.

Regarding the immediate trauma that vaccines cause in many people, the eminent scientist and physician, Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D. said:

The injection of any serum, vaccine or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio - at least 400%. Statistics are so conclusive no one can deny it.

The long- term effects of vaccines are just as harmful. Vaccines are
made of disease, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other poisonous chemicals. Pharmaceutical houses manufacture diseases in animal tissue. The diseases are sterilized to make vaccines. Sterilization alters the RNA, DNA, structure and actions of diseases and viruses. When a sterilized disease or virus enters the body, the body tries to analyze it and create antibodies to regulate the disease or virus. The body cannot find the logical reason for the unnatural disease or virus. Nor can it find the key to the time that the bacteria or virus will be active. Therefore, the body creates mutant antibodies, bold emphasis mine, that do not go dormant for up to decades.

These mutant antibodies remain active long after the disease or virus becomes inactive. The mutant antibodies eat sub-particles from the inside of amino acids (proteins) in the blood that renders proteins unstable. The amount of proteins damaged and lost to mutant antibodies depends on the number of vaccines. Because amino acids are the primary building blocks of cells, the consequence is cellular malnutrition. In all animals, the malnutrition causes gradual genetic mutations, resulting in weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities.

The life span of mutant antibodies varies, from at least 1 year (penicillin) up to 50 years (polio). Each vaccine multiples the number of mutant antibodies, which increases cellular malnutrition and results in greater weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities.

Reference: from pages 132-137; We Want To Live: The Primal Diet by Aarjonus Vonderplanitz:
You’ll notice Andreas Moritz agrees with the fact that toxicity is the major cause of dis-ease of the body:

• Illness is a Toxicity Crisis:

Have vaccines ever eradicated a dis-ease? The answer is no. We’ve been taught that small pox and polio were eradicated by vaccines when the facts show differently. Isolation and sanitation were responsible. Edward Jenner was one the first person to take cow pox from cattle and make a vaccine. The name came from the Latin word for cow “vacca” hence; the word vaccine. In England when the vaccines were stopped after many people protested because of the horrible side -affects, the dis-ease simply faded away. Were the vaccines causing the cow small pox to proliferate in the human body?
Look how the history of vaccines went on after Jenner’s initial testings:

“It's been only 70 years since World War II, and the mad scientists from companies like I.G. Farben, BASF, Hoechst, Dow and Bayer, who created the gas chambers and tested dangerous vaccines on innocent Jews, didn't just go away. In fact, they went to work for U.S. corporations and pharmaceutical companies that run the vaccine industry today. At least a dozen of these cold blooded killers were hired fresh out of prison, just 4 to 7 years after the Nuremberg trials found them guilty of mass murder and enslavement. (

In fact, at the close of WWII, the IG Farben building in Frankfort was protected from allied bombings by the highest levels of military command. Why? IG Farben was the FDA/CDC type of "pharmaceutical arm" of Hitler's 4th Reich, and the Rockefellers had a financial interest in maintaining and controlling this pharmaceutical empire, which would soon be catapulted on U.S. soil. Research reveals that Hitler also invested heavily in Merck and other pharmaceutical companies. Nazi convicted mass murderers became executives for major U.S. chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Fritz ter Meer, found guilty of slavery and mass murder at Auschwitz, served only seven years in prison and became Chairman of the Board at Bayer in 1956. Still trust U.S. vaccines? Carl Krauch, Executive Member of IG Farben and Head of Military Economics for Hitler, found guilty of slavery and mass murder, served just 6 years in prison, then became Chairman of the Board for BASF in 1952. Still want to get those flu shots? How about that HPV shot for your daughter or son?

This is the same vaccine industry today which protected and employed Nazi war criminals. The very industry that produced the Nazi gas chambers was purchased by Bayer. So, exactly whom are you trusting with your children's health and welfare? Currently, the U.S. Government and the CDC rely solely on the manufacturers of vaccines to report problems, injuries and deaths. This atrocity is like letting murderers be their own judges in court! Where are the checks and balances this country was founded upon? Vaccines have economic and political agendas now, and the FDA does absolutely no testing of their own before making decisions to release vaccines to the masses.

Want more research before you or your child get injected with a new concocted disease for which there is no cure? Listen to stunning admissions by vaccine industry experts, including Dr. Maurice Hilleman (formerly w/Merck), who admitted to the deadly nature of the most trusted vaccines. ( ... _SV40.html)

Today's vaccines not only contain live versions of the diseases you DO NOT WANT, but also contain GMOs, hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens and monkeys, untested virus combinations (like H1N1), aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers, and crossbred bacteria from animals, mosquitoes, and diseased humans:

NOTE: The FDA requires a “package insert” to be created by the pharmaceutical company that produces every FDA “approved” drug on the market. The pharmaceutical is allowed to do the clinical studies also without the FDA’s oversight. Any side- affects are listed most of the time, but some are not as in the case of the MMR. The first MMR package insert by Merck mentioned the adverse- effect of the MMR vaccine causing “autism” and the second edition does not. Who allowed that?

Original MMR Package Insert Has Autism As An Adverse Effect

The drug company that makes the M.M.R. vaccine (Merck) publishes an extensive list of warnings, contraindications, and adverse reactions associated with this triple shot. It may be found in the vaccine package insert given to doctors administering MMR, and inside the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)(8,9). However, this information is never given to patients or parents. The insert is quoted immediately below.

An Excerpt from the Original M.M.R. Drug Insert

The following afflictions affecting nearly every body system -- blood, lymphatic, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, nervous, respiratory, and sensory -- have been reported following receipt of the MMR shot: encephalitis, encephalopathy, neurological disorders, seizure disorders, convulsions, learning disabilities, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) demyelination of the nerve sheaths, Guillain-Barré syndrome (paralysis), muscle incoordination, deafness, panniculitis, vasculitis, optic neuritis (including partial or total blindness) retinitis, otitis media, bronchial spasms, fever, headache, joint pain, arthritis (acute and chronic) transverse myelitis, thrombocytopenia (blood clotting disorders and spontaneous bleeding) anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions) lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis, pneumonitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, urticaria, pancreatitis, parotitis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, meningitis, diabetes, autism, immune system disorders, and death

The M.M.R. vaccine manufacturer has begun censoring autism from the package insert for its second version of the M.M.R. vaccine ("M.M.R. 2"). Most of the above indications continue to be cited, except for the admission of an autism link, which has been selectively removed. The vaccine manufacturer previously admitted to causing autism, but only in private communications with doctors. Their statements to the public and the media were the complete opposite.

Parents in the British medical system are often ignored when they report problems with vaccines, because the doctors act as the gatekeepers. Parents cannot directly report bad reactions to regulators. They must instead go through their doctor, who may refuse, in order to protect himself. Keep in mind that doctors in Britain get monetary bonuses for administering vaccines, which could be considered a conflict of interest.

https://currenthealthscenario.blogspot. ... utism.html

Package inserts confirming diseases such as autism etc:

• Package Insert From FDA: Diphtheria Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine Tripedia®

Page 11

‘Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting.’

Toxic vaccine ingredients and their adverse effects:

• Bovine cow serum: Extracted from cow skin. When injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions.
• Sorbitol: Synthetic sweetener which metabolizes very slowly and aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues.
• Gelatin: Derived from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones. Injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and BSE infectivity (mad cow disease).
• Sodium chloride: Raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth.
• Egg protein: Vaccines are prepared in eggs (certainly not organic). May contain growth hormones, antibiotics, and salmonella bacteria.
• Thimerosal: A neurotoxic mercury which causes autism: There are 25 mcg in one average flu vaccine, and the EPA safety limit is 5 micrograms, so children who are vaccinated simultaneously with multiple* vaccines receive over 10 times the safety limit of mercury in one day.
• Human albumin: The protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma; when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. Injecting "pooled blood" can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts.

• Formaldehyde: Highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health; can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer. Plus, formaldehyde has been known to fail to deactivate the virus the vaccine is intended to cure, thus enabling a live virus to enter your blood and infect your system.

• Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether/chemical; highly toxic to the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. The FDA warns "can cause shut down of the central nervous system (CNS), vomiting and contact dermatitis" in cosmetics; imagine when injected into your blood.

• Aluminum phosphate: Greatly increases toxicity of mercury, so caution about minimum mercury tolerance is therefore severely underestimated. CDC scientists and all doctors are well aware of this.
• MSG (monosodium glutamate): When injected becomes a neurotoxin, causing CNS disorders and brain damage in children.

• The Brilliance of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines:

• Dr. Humphries, author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, talk about the forgotten history of vaccinations:
• List Of Toxic Materials

(Including BSE?) In Vaccines:

• Vaccine Nation:
• Vaccines Cause Children More Adverse Reactions Than Any Other Drugs ... ction.aspx

• Vaccine Nation:

• Herd Immunity:
• Vaccines: The True weapons of mass destruction:
• Children suffer vaccine side effects:
• Adverse reaction and Death after MMR Vaccine:
• Uncensored: MMR fraud exposed by people behind Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe:

• CDC Whistle Blower admits MMR Vaccine causes Autism:
• Mysterious Death: Body of Doctor Who Linked Vaccines To Autism Found Floating in River: ... -in-river/
• Dr. Andrew Wakefield tells his side of the story in the MMR Vaccine causes Autism debate:

• VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe: ... ex=2&list=

• Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the population one shot at a time by Andreas Moritz:
• Illness is a Toxicity Crisis:
• The Idea that Vaccines Make Us Healthy Is an Illusion:
• Vaccine- nation interview:

• Timeline chronology of the development of Medical industry, vaccines, banks and government in the U.S. etc.:
• Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government: ... XAaI#t=198

A vaccine- injured body can be repaired by detoxing slowly and recover depending on the severity of permanent damage as seen from partial recovery to complete recovery of Autism, diabetes, Parkinson, cancer, Alzheimer, allergies, arthritis, ALS, MS and many other chronic diseases by the Genesis II Church Sacraments! Please tune in this Sunday, the 25th Christmas day at at 10AM Eastern Standard Time. We hope to see you there!

Let’s change the world together!

Archbishop Mark S. Grenon

MMS Saves Lives.


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Vaccines: Are they destroying the body’s ability to fight disease and causing new diseases? We have been told our whole life by doctors, school systems, the FDA, CDC, NIH and the main stream media that vaccines are “safe and effective” without researching it ourselves. The problem is they are not, in fact, they are so toxic that everyone who receives a vaccine has a toxic response. Maybe it is just at the site of the injection, i.e. inflammation and pain, or something much more destructive like brain damage or even death! The whole concept of vaccines is based on the “hypothesis” that by injecting a small amount of a known dis-ease into the human body, the body’s immune system will create an immunity to said dis-ease. WRONG! This idea of “vaccine induced” herd immunity has never been proven or even worked! There is a “natural herd immunity” that exists and this is basically when someone, for instance, gets the measles, chicken pox or mumps they, 95% of the time, never get that dis-ease again in their lives, hence: immunity for these diseases! No one disputes that the body can naturally create an “acquired immunity” from dis-ease. The human body is VERY smart! The problem is this falsehood of vaccine induced herd immunity is unscientific and what is being taught in medical universities, allowed by the FDA and promoted by the main stream media, i.e. “fake news” as being completely true! I highly recommend watching the following videos before receiving ANY vaccine. There are many more below in the reference section: A honest and brave Doctor’s testimony: The Brilliance of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines: The Idea that Vaccines Make Us Healthy Is an Illusion: Vaccines are causing many diseases by killing the immune system. • Vaccines: The True weapons of mass destruction: • Dementia in the 40’s why? : ... their.html • Herd Immunity: • Children suffer vaccine side effects: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated children: • ... ors-agree/ ... healthier/ ... -children/ Note: ALL of the major medical schools teach the “Allopathic” method of medicine and are owned by the same people that own the pharmaceuticals and the banks that fund them. “Allopathic medicine is based on the “germ theory”, that microbes and viruses, cause disease. Medical science bases the use of vaccines on the theory that the body forms antibodies to “fight” natural viruses. They believe that these antibodies live on after the virus is contained, thereby creating immunity. First, we must consider the facts known to evaluate medicine’s viral theory. Science has proved that viruses are not alive, that they are predominantly protein but that they contain organic DNA. Science has proven that virus increases only in the presence of live cells, and that they cause certain cells, and/or parts of cells to dissolve. What is believed and taken as fact but not proved, is that viruses are non -discriminatingly destructive “things” that self-replicate. That is like saying that laundry soap, because it is found in homes inhabited by humans, self-replicates. Those assumptions and conclusions are shallow and ludicrous. Medical science operates from fear, and it attacks the body. All medical procedures for treating disease are written by pharmaceutical-related individuals and groups. That is a severe conflict of interest. Self-produced health or medication-dependent profit, which do you think that they want? A rational and logical conclusion would be that virus are solvents (cleansers) manufactured by individual cells to dissolve degenerative tissue (disease) caused by accumulated waste and industrial toxins, including medicines. Virus contain DNA because cells have used substances within themselves to synthesize virus; DNA is a part of that. When the cleansing and healing processes cease, cells stop producing large amounts of virus. Normally, healthier bodies symbiotically utilize bacteria and parasites to cleanse themselves of cellular degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are the bodies preferred janitors. Bacteria and parasites consume the degenerative tissue and organic waste and reduce it to a tiny fraction of the original mass eaten. They can consume 100 times their weight and reduce it to 1-percent excretion. When eating a healthy raw diet, our bodies easily secrete and/or excrete the 1-percent excretions from bacteria and parasites. However, when bodies become too toxic with industrial toxins, including medicines, the bacteria and parasites are poisoned to death. Under such toxic conditions, the only cleansing method that the body can utilize is virus. So, cells synthesize viruses. I reiterate, viruses are solvents that dissolve degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are beneficial in preventing disease; they do not cause disease. The symptoms that accompany viral, bacterial or parasitical detoxifications are a necessary process but can be mitigated with the consumption of plenty of raw eggs and raw dairy fats. The key is: We should trust, nurture and understand the body and Nature, not fear them. Inoculating people to prevent viral infections is ridiculous and dangerous. After many years of experimentation, Louis Pasteur realized that the idea of vaccination was doomed. He confessed on his deathbed to his assistants that a poor (toxic) environment within the body creates disease. Microbes do not cause disease. Regarding the immediate trauma that vaccines cause in many people, the eminent scientist and physician, Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D. said: The injection of any serum, vaccine or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio - at least 400%. Statistics are so conclusive no one can deny it. The long- term effects of vaccines are just as harmful. Vaccines are made of disease, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other poisonous chemicals. Pharmaceutical houses manufacture diseases in animal tissue. The diseases are sterilized to make vaccines. Sterilization alters the RNA, DNA, structure and actions of diseases and viruses. When a sterilized disease or virus enters the body, the body tries to analyze it and create antibodies to regulate the disease or virus. The body cannot find the logical reason for the unnatural disease or virus. Nor can it find the key to the time that the bacteria or virus will be active. Therefore, the body creates mutant antibodies, bold emphasis mine, that do not go dormant for up to decades. These mutant antibodies remain active long after the disease or virus becomes inactive. The mutant antibodies eat sub-particles from the inside of amino acids (proteins) in the blood that renders proteins unstable. The amount of proteins damaged and lost to mutant antibodies depends on the number of vaccines. Because amino acids are the primary building blocks of cells, the consequence is cellular malnutrition. In all animals, the malnutrition causes gradual genetic mutations, resulting in weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities. The life span of mutant antibodies varies, from at least 1 year (penicillin) up to 50 years (polio). Each vaccine multiples the number of mutant antibodies, which increases cellular malnutrition and results in greater weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities. Reference: from pages 132-137; We Want To Live: The Primal Diet by Aarjonus Vonderplanitz: You’ll notice Andreas Moritz agrees with the fact that toxicity is the major cause of dis-ease of the body: • Illness is a Toxicity Crisis: Have vaccines ever eradicated a dis-ease? The answer is no. We’ve been taught that small pox and polio were eradicated by vaccines when the facts show differently. Isolation and sanitation were responsible. Edward Jenner was one the first person to take cow pox from cattle and make a vaccine. The name came from the Latin word for cow “vacca” hence; the word vaccine. In England when the vaccines were stopped after many people protested because of the horrible side -affects, the dis-ease simply faded away. Were the vaccines causing the cow small pox to proliferate in the human body? Look how the history of vaccines went on after Jenner’s initial testings: “It's been only 70 years since World War II, and the mad scientists from companies like I.G. Farben, BASF, Hoechst, Dow and Bayer, who created the gas chambers and tested dangerous vaccines on innocent Jews, didn't just go away. In fact, they went to work for U.S. corporations and pharmaceutical companies that run the vaccine industry today. At least a dozen of these cold blooded killers were hired fresh out of prison, just 4 to 7 years after the Nuremberg trials found them guilty of mass murder and enslavement. ( In fact, at the close of WWII, the IG Farben building in Frankfort was protected from allied bombings by the highest levels of military command. Why? IG Farben was the FDA/CDC type of "pharmaceutical arm" of Hitler's 4th Reich, and the Rockefellers had a financial interest in maintaining and controlling this pharmaceutical empire, which would soon be catapulted on U.S. soil. Research reveals that Hitler also invested heavily in Merck and other pharmaceutical companies. Nazi convicted mass murderers became executives for major U.S. chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Fritz ter Meer, found guilty of slavery and mass murder at Auschwitz, served only seven years in prison and became Chairman of the Board at Bayer in 1956. Still trust U.S. vaccines? Carl Krauch, Executive Member of IG Farben and Head of Military Economics for Hitler, found guilty of slavery and mass murder, served just 6 years in prison, then became Chairman of the Board for BASF in 1952. Still want to get those flu shots? How about that HPV shot for your daughter or son? This is the same vaccine industry today which protected and employed Nazi war criminals. The very industry that produced the Nazi gas chambers was purchased by Bayer. So, exactly whom are you trusting with your children's health and welfare? Currently, the U.S. Government and the CDC rely solely on the manufacturers of vaccines to report problems, injuries and deaths. This atrocity is like letting murderers be their own judges in court! Where are the checks and balances this country was founded upon? Vaccines have economic and political agendas now, and the FDA does absolutely no testing of their own before making decisions to release vaccines to the masses. Want more research before you or your child get injected with a new concocted disease for which there is no cure? Listen to stunning admissions by vaccine industry experts, including Dr. Maurice Hilleman (formerly w/Merck), who admitted to the deadly nature of the most trusted vaccines. ( ... _SV40.html) Today's vaccines not only contain live versions of the diseases you DO NOT WANT, but also contain GMOs, hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens and monkeys, untested virus combinations (like H1N1), aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers, and crossbred bacteria from animals, mosquitoes, and diseased humans: ... z4TNiwiuAP NOTE: The FDA requires a “package insert” to be created by the pharmaceutical company that produces every FDA “approved” drug on the market. The pharmaceutical is allowed to do the clinical studies also without the FDA’s oversight. Any side- affects are listed most of the time, but some are not as in the case of the MMR. The first MMR package insert by Merck mentioned the adverse- effect of the MMR vaccine causing “autism” and the second edition does not. Who allowed that? Original MMR Package Insert Has Autism As An Adverse Effect The drug company that makes the M.M.R. vaccine (Merck) publishes an extensive list of warnings, contraindications, and adverse reactions associated with this triple shot. It may be found in the vaccine package insert given to doctors administering MMR, and inside the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)(8,9). However, this information is never given to patients or parents. The insert is quoted immediately below. An Excerpt from the Original M.M.R. Drug Insert The following afflictions affecting nearly every body system -- blood, lymphatic, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, nervous, respiratory, and sensory -- have been reported following receipt of the MMR shot: encephalitis, encephalopathy, neurological disorders, seizure disorders, convulsions, learning disabilities, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) demyelination of the nerve sheaths, Guillain-Barré syndrome (paralysis), muscle incoordination, deafness, panniculitis, vasculitis, optic neuritis (including partial or total blindness) retinitis, otitis media, bronchial spasms, fever, headache, joint pain, arthritis (acute and chronic) transverse myelitis, thrombocytopenia (blood clotting disorders and spontaneous bleeding) anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions) lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis, pneumonitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, urticaria, pancreatitis, parotitis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, meningitis, diabetes, autism, immune system disorders, and death The M.M.R. vaccine manufacturer has begun censoring autism from the package insert for its second version of the M.M.R. vaccine ("M.M.R. 2"). Most of the above indications continue to be cited, except for the admission of an autism link, which has been selectively removed. The vaccine manufacturer previously admitted to causing autism, but only in private communications with doctors. Their statements to the public and the media were the complete opposite. Parents in the British medical system are often ignored when they report problems with vaccines, because the doctors act as the gatekeepers. Parents cannot directly report bad reactions to regulators. They must instead go through their doctor, who may refuse, in order to protect himself. Keep in mind that doctors in Britain get monetary bonuses for administering vaccines, which could be considered a conflict of interest. Reference: https://currenthealthscenario.blogspot. ... utism.html Package inserts confirming diseases such as autism etc: • Package Insert From FDA: Diphtheria Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine Tripedia® Page 11 ‘Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting.’ ... 101580.pdf Toxic vaccine ingredients and their adverse effects: • Bovine cow serum: Extracted from cow skin. When injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions. • Sorbitol: Synthetic sweetener which metabolizes very slowly and aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues. • Gelatin: Derived from the collagen inside animals' skin and bones. Injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and BSE infectivity (mad cow disease). • Sodium chloride: Raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth. • Egg protein: Vaccines are prepared in eggs (certainly not organic). May contain growth hormones, antibiotics, and salmonella bacteria. • Thimerosal: A neurotoxic mercury which causes autism: There are 25 mcg in one average flu vaccine, and the EPA safety limit is 5 micrograms, so children who are vaccinated simultaneously with multiple* vaccines receive over 10 times the safety limit of mercury in one day. • Human albumin: The protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma; when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. Injecting "pooled blood" can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts. • Formaldehyde: Highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health; can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer. Plus, formaldehyde has been known to fail to deactivate the virus the vaccine is intended to cure, thus enabling a live virus to enter your blood and infect your system. • Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether/chemical; highly toxic to the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. The FDA warns "can cause shut down of the central nervous system (CNS), vomiting and contact dermatitis" in cosmetics; imagine when injected into your blood. • Aluminum phosphate: Greatly increases toxicity of mercury, so caution about minimum mercury tolerance is therefore severely underestimated. CDC scientists and all doctors are well aware of this. • MSG (monosodium glutamate): When injected becomes a neurotoxin, causing CNS disorders and brain damage in children. References: • The Brilliance of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines: • Dr. Humphries, author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, talk about the forgotten history of vaccinations: • List Of Toxic Materials (Including BSE?) In Vaccines: • Vaccine Nation: • Vaccines Cause Children More Adverse Reactions Than Any Other Drugs ... ction.aspx • Vaccine Nation: • Herd Immunity: • Vaccines: The True weapons of mass destruction: • Children suffer vaccine side effects: • Adverse reaction and Death after MMR Vaccine: • Uncensored: MMR fraud exposed by people behind Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe: • HERE'S THE PROOF. THE MMR MEASLES VACCINE INSERT SAYS IT CAUSES MEASLES AND DEATH: • CDC Whistle Blower admits MMR Vaccine causes Autism: • Mysterious Death: Body of Doctor Who Linked Vaccines To Autism Found Floating in River: ... -in-river/ • Dr. Andrew Wakefield tells his side of the story in the MMR Vaccine causes Autism debate: • VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe: ... zXQYK7fe2l • Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the population one shot at a time by Andreas Moritz: • Illness is a Toxicity Crisis: • The Idea that Vaccines Make Us Healthy Is an Illusion: • Vaccine- nation interview: • Timeline chronology of the development of Medical industry, vaccines, banks and government in the U.S. etc.: • Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government: ... XAaI#t=198 A vaccine- injured body can be repaired by detoxing slowly and recover depending on the severity of permanent damage as seen from partial recovery to complete recovery of Autism, diabetes, Parkinson, cancer, Alzheimer, allergies, arthritis, ALS, MS and many other chronic diseases by the Genesis II Church Sacraments! Please tune in this Sunday, the 25th Christmas day at at 10AM Eastern Standard Time. We hope to see you there! Let’s change the world together! Archbishop Mark S. Grenon
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