GLOBAL fengsling fra Mandag.

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GLOBAL fengsling fra Mandag.

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Fre Jan 15, 2021 4:00 pm

US Marines starter mandag i neste uke opp en GLOBAL fengsling av The DEEP STATE. Alle regjeringene blir tatt bort.

Radio og TV blir tatt bort, likeså Facebook, Internett og sosiale nettverk.

Facebook_3.mp4 [ 11.98 MiB | Vist 36119 ganger ]

The STORM is arriving- next monday.

Oppgjørets time er kommet. Fjerning av ALLE Regjeringene vil skje.

Now REMOVING all Goverments are going to happen!

Trump did it :mrgreen:

Joe Biden’s Inauguration has been cancelled, President Trump would remain in office and the Chinese Communist Party propaganda media outlets of ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC would soon be off the airwaves according to President Trump.

“I have invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 (Section 10 U.S. Code 13 251-255) to address the treasonous rebellion conducted by Democrat and Republican lawmakers, CCP Agents (Chinese Communist Party), FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others to dismantle the United States of America and it’s Constitution,” President Trump declared on Thursday 14 Jan. “These entities pose a direct threat to national security. I will remain President indefinitely until all domestic enemies are arrested.”

President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act after another assassination attempt on him last Sat. morning 9 Jan. According to his Intel, Chinese Communist Party Agents, the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA and others of the Deep State have – with the help of the Main Stream Media – long been planning to dismantle the US and it’s Constitution.

Of course, none of these treasonous acts have been reported by the corrupt Main Stream Media. Trump had evidence that the MSM was “embedded with CIA and Chinese Communist Party agents whose sole purpose was to direct public opinion toward a Deep State agenda.”

During President Trump’s four years in office he and what has been referred to as the Alliance have been fighting this Cabal – a Satan worshipping force composed of thirteen Satanist Bloodline families out of Italy, the Vatican, UK Monarchy, British M16, Chinese Communist Party, CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and certain Republican and Democratic Lawmakers. Another attempt on his life was the last straw.

Since that Sat. 9 Jan. the US has been under an abbreviated Martial Law with President Trump as Commander in Chief and General Flynn in charge of the Military. As such Trump has signed multiple Executive Orders that among other powers, allowed for Military arrests and Tribunals.

Soon to be acted upon were well over 222,286 sealed indictments against political and global elites filed in federal courts across the nation. ... .html#more

By law with the Insurrection Act in effect, Trump would remain President indefinitely until all domestic enemies were arrested. He would soon take down the Main Stream Media.

The "muppet-show" from KGB is coming to an end :wink:
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Innlegg: 2619
Registrert: Ons Nov 05, 2008 2:44 pm
Bosted: Norge, som kunne vært det vakreste sted på jord
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GLOBALE Jail action from Monday january 18. 2021.

UNREAD_POST White House » Lør Jan 23, 2021 12:06 pm

Cases are now up in the daylight-. Everything is on the table of truth.

Valget usa_1.jpg
Battleground voter Survey 1

Valget usa_2.jpg
Battleground voter Survey 2

Tracking 1.
Tracking 2.
Tracking 3.
The last Tracking 4 in 10 days.-
White House

Re: GLOBAL fengsling fra Mandag.

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Man Feb 22, 2021 8:12 am

De Pedofile djevlene i Norge blir nå tatt. Det er full utrenskning i tunneller under byen Tønsberg.

Frimurere og annet rask vil bli tatt meget godt hånd om (håndjern).

Norge skal renses for alt dette rasket- pluss illegale innvandrere og politikere. Bort med rasket!

Det blir er ny tid med NYTT mannskap- inn i posisjoner for å ivareta Norsk suverenitet- hvor Norges Grunnlovs paragraf 1 atter skal slå 100 prosent rot i systemet. Alle utlendinger som ikke er av norsk herkomst skal transporteres dit de hører hjemme!

Brukerens avatar
Innlegg: 2619
Registrert: Ons Nov 05, 2008 2:44 pm
Bosted: Norge, som kunne vært det vakreste sted på jord
Norsk er best: 0

Nå er det nok!

UNREAD_POST Anders Pedersen » Tor Mar 25, 2021 5:11 pm

Hanne Klovig<>;Elmer Solberg<>;

C/c:Thomas Hansen<>;Elmer Solberg<>;Ola Normann<>;Connie Eng<>;Øyvind Vassøy<>;Øyvind Aarsnes<>;Øivind Walter<>;Karin Ullensvang<>;Jarle Johansen<>;Freddy Photon<>;Asbjørn Nilssen<>;Dennis Bowen<>;Dennis Bowen<>;Eva Jung Bowen<>;Armend Qaushi<>;Alitcia Forsberg<>;Marius ReikerÃ¥s<>;Rune H Amundsen<>;Rune Fardal<>;Bmonline<>;Beate Hansen<>;Elmer Solberg<>;<>;<>;<>;<>;

Nå er det nok!

Ikke bekymre deg Hanne, vi her i FAMPO tar var på deg. Dine plageånder blir snart avsatt og fengslet. De vil midlertidig bli sendt i husarrest med GPS fotlenke.
Vi har allerede utstedt arrestordre på dem hvor kopi gikk til våre 340 permanente adressater i FN og den Militäre Domstol på Guantanamo Bay.

Hovedpersonene bak FAMPO er beskyttet men vi kan bekrefte at det er den absolutte Elite av rene nordmenn som har erklärt krig imot Sionismen som idag har makten
over det korrupte Politidirektoratet, KRIPOS; PST, Spesialenheten.

De er alle anklaget for forräderi imot dem de skulle beskytte, deres nasjon og Grunnlov.

Exopolitisk betyr det dödsdom.

Flere i Eliten her i Norge er allerede blitt fraktet ut bakveien og sitter arrestert på Guantanamo og venter på dom. Og som vi vet så er den summarisk, det vil si at
dom blir avsagt i löpet av 12 timer og det er kun et av to, livsvarig eller dödsdom.

Alle disse som har värt delaktige og medskyldige i kidnappinger av barn ifra kjärlige foreldre kan kun forvente det verste.

Dark Outpost- Mass Executions At Gitmo Since January 6th
It looks too big to be true, but I decide to post it anyway !

Vennlig hilsen

Anders Pedersen

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Sist flyttet til topp av Anonymous den Tor Mar 25, 2021 5:11 pm
Anders Pedersen

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