HELSELAUS foretak innført fra 2000-2012

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HELSELAUS foretak innført fra 2000-2012

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Tor Okt 13, 2022 6:23 pm

Etter at massemorderne innførte Helseforetak i Norge- så var det også slutt på helsehjelp fra samme dato.

Nå dreper de folk med viten og vilje ved sendrektige rutiner og gift- overdoser.

Mann fikk 10 ganger høyere dose med cellegift enn det han skulle ha, og døde- ved Haukeland sykehus, Bergen.

Hvilke undermålere er det som i dag vanstyrer ved Helselausforetakene? Har de gått ifra vettet? Det meste tyder på akkurat det!De satte EN stor dose Sodium chloride på Kona på bobelen i Ofotveien 6, før de bar henne ut nedover trappene fra 3.dje etg. Det var et stygt syn. Hun hadde fått slag og var lam i venstre siden. Og derfor skulle hun ikke ha saltvann, som gjør blødningen mye værre, så man dør.

Det viser seg at Helselausforetakene har blitt slakterbenker, noe jeg gav klart uttrykk for i 2005. Nå er vi der.

Det er helselause tilstander på ALLE norske sykehus- fra Kirkenes til Bergen.

Hvem har lyst å endre på dagens praksis, som ble innført i 2000?
Har vi noe vi kan takke Statsminister Erna Solberg for?

Begravelsesbyråene, kanskje? Som har feitet seg kraftig opp i det siste.

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Re: HELSELAUS foretak innført fra 2000-2012

UNREAD_POST SODIUM CHLORIDE » Tir Des 05, 2023 6:32 pm

Hvordan drepe folk i en fei?
Hvorfor setter ambulansepersonalet Sodium Chloride på pasientene før de blir båret inn i ambulansen? Narvik Sykehus. Jeg fant en stor sprøyte igjen etter at helselaus personell hadde vært på bopelen og hentet kona. Det var et brutalt syn å se hva de gjorde. Jeg ble søkk forfær over behandlingen mot min kone. De satte stor dose med Sodium Chloride på henne før de bar henne ut. Og det skulle hun aldri hatt, fordi det skal IKKE gis til slagpasienter eller de med høyt blodtrykk. Tenk det, helt grusomt. Nå får Statsforvalteren i Nordland beskjed om hva som foregår- og nå blir det full rulle..mot Sykehuset i Narvik. Selv om noen store overleger og professorer sier at det bare er saltvann? Spørsmålet står åpent, da mange har følt på kroppen hva den vaksinen og Covid19 slett ikke var noe medisin, men rottegift med nanoteknologi. Derfor syder det under overeflaten, hvor grusom disse folkene er mot sitt eget folk.
Derfor reises spørsmålet, kan vi stole på dagens helselaus personell? Svaret er allerede opp i dagen, på ingen måte!

Salt poisoning

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Salt poisoning
Other names Sodium poisoning
High resolution image of a grain of sea salt. Sea salt is one of the most common causes of sodium poisoning.

Salt poisoning is an intoxication resulting from the excessive intake of sodium (usually as sodium chloride) in either solid form or in solution (saline water, including brine, brackish water, or seawater). Salt poisoning sufficient to produce severe symptoms is rare, and lethal salt poisoning is possible but even rarer. The lethal dose of table salt is roughly 0.5-1g per kg of body weight.[1]

In medicine, the circumstance of salt poisoning is most frequently encountered in children or infants[2][3] who may be made to consume excessive amounts of table salt. At least one instance of murder of a hospitalized child by salt poisoning has been reported.[4]

Too much salt intake in adults can also occur from the drinking of seawater, pickled goods brine water or the drinking of soy sauce.[5] Salt poisoning has also been seen in a number of adults with mental health problems.[6]

Salt poisoning can affect most species of animals, although it is more common in swine, cattle, and poultry.[7]
Symptoms and physiology

Salt poisoning typically results in a feeling of confusion and jitteriness; more severe degrees of intoxication can cause seizures and coma. Death can result if medical intervention is not forthcoming. These symptoms are generally a consequence of hypernatremia – an abnormally high sodium level in the blood. (There are myriad causes of hypernatremia, which is frequently encountered in medical practice; salt poisoning is not a common cause).

Early on, the intoxicant will cause a strong feeling of thirst, followed by weakness, nausea, and loss of appetite. More severe symptoms ensue, including confusion, muscle twitching, and bleeding in or around the brain. Death results by the swelling of the brain against the skull. (Normal serum sodium levels are 135–145 mEq/liter (135–145 mmol/L). Severe symptoms typically only occur when levels are above 160 mEq/L.) The human renal system actively regulates sodium chloride in the blood within a very narrow range around 9 g/L (0.9% by weight).[citation needed]

Accidentally consuming small quantities of clean seawater is not harmful, especially if the seawater is taken along with a larger quantity of fresh water. However, drinking seawater to maintain hydration is counterproductive; more water must be excreted to eliminate the salt (via urine) than the amount of water obtained from the seawater itself.[8]

In most open waters concentrations vary somewhat around typical values of about 3.5%; drinking seawater temporarily increases blood's NaCl concentration, which signals the kidney to excrete sodium. However, seawater's sodium concentration is above the kidney's maximum concentrating ability. Eventually the blood's sodium concentration rises to toxic levels, removing water from cells and interfering with nerve conduction, ultimately producing a fatal seizure and cardiac arrhythmia.[citation needed]
Sea water poisoning

Survival manuals consistently advise against drinking seawater.[9] A summary of 163 life raft voyages estimated the risk of death at 39% for those who drank seawater, compared to 3% for those who did not. The effect of seawater intake on rats confirmed the negative effects of drinking seawater when dehydrated.[10] (In contrast to humans, pelagic birds and other sea animals can – and must – drink sea water without ill effects, having evolved for life at sea over the course of aeons.)[citation needed]
Historical experiences

In The Odyssey, when faced with the prospect of starvation, the sailors consider drinking salt water "and be done with it".

Some historians have suggested that the mysterious sicknesses afflicting the early English colonists at Jamestown, Virginia (1607–1610) – which nearly extinguished the settlement – reflect sea water poisoning. The settlers arrived in the spring, when the James River water was relatively fresh, but by summer a drought of historical magnitude had rendered it much more brackish. The historical geographer Carville Earle, among others, holds to this view.[11]

The temptation to drink seawater was greatest for sailors who had expended their supply of fresh water, and were unable to capture enough rainwater for drinking. This frustration was described by a line from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798):

Her er kriminelle i sving, og de må i fengsel!

Prof. Dr, Reiner Fuellmich sin side om Massedrap på menneskeheten med "skitne" vaksiner, dvs gift: https://icic.law/


Prof Doctor Reiner Fuellmich
Vielen Danke Reiner fuhr Ihre wunderschøne arbeiten.


"Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink."

Re: HELSELAUS foretak

UNREAD_POST Opplysningen » Fre Feb 16, 2024 10:41 am

Ny studie: For hvert liv man har spart dør 14 av bivirkninger fra mRNA.
Sitat fra studien:
"Ved å bruke disse rimelige og konservative antakelsene, oppveier de estimerte skadene til mRNA-vaksinene i stor grad fordelene:
For hvert liv man reddet, var det nesten 14 ganger flere dødsfall forårsaket av de modifiserte mRNA-injeksjonene"
Kommentar fra Kjetil Tveit:
Om forholdet hadde vært 1:1; at man sparte et liv, og tok et annet, ville prinsippet fortsatt vært en humanitær katastrofe slik jeg ser det, fordi man tar livet av noen i et forsøk på å spare noen annens.
Det er ikke etisk riktig.
Hvorfor skal man eksempelvis drepe en frisk sykepleier for å muligens spare livet til noen andre. Det er naturen og eventuelt ens egne valg som må bestemme hvem som skal dø og ikke.
:idea: Kommentaren er forkortet av OA. Resten av innlegget kan leses her:
For deg som er interessert i å forstå årsaker til hvorfor «vaksinen» er så dødelig finner du hele artikkelen i kommentarfeltet, eller du kan lese sammendraget til artikkelen maskinoversatt her:
"Vår forståelse av COVID-19-vaksinasjoner og deres innvirkning på helse og dødelighet har utviklet seg betydelig siden de første vaksinasjonsutrullingen.
Publiserte rapporter fra de opprinnelige randomiserte fase 3-studiene konkluderte med at mRNA kunne redusere symptomer på COVID betydelig.
I mellomtiden har det dukket opp problemer med metodene, gjennomføringen og rapporteringen av disse avgjørende studiene.
En ny analyse av Pfizer-studiens data identifiserte statistisk signifikante økninger i alvorlige bivirkninger (SAEs) i vaksinegruppen.
Flere SAEs ble identifisert etter nødbruksautorisasjonen (EUA), inkludert død, kreft, hjertehendelser og ulike autoimmune, hematologiske, reproduktive og nevrologiske lidelser.
Videre gjennomgikk disse produktene aldri tilstrekkelig sikkerhets- og toksikologisk testing i samsvar med tidligere etablerte vitenskapelige standarder.
Blant de andre viktige temaene som adresseres i denne narrative gjennomgangen er de publiserte analysene av alvorlig skade på mennesker, kvalitetskontrollproblemer og prosessrelaterte urenheter, mekanismer som ligger til grunn for bivirkninger (AEs), den immunologiske grunnlaget for vaksine ineffektivitet, og bekymrende dødelighetstrender basert på registreringsstudiedata.
Risiko-nytte-ubalansen som dokumentasjonen til dags dato bekrefter, motsetter videre boosterinjeksjoner og antyder at, som et minimum, mRNA-injeksjonene bør fjernes fra barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet inntil skikkelige sikkerhets- og toksikologiske studier er gjennomført.
Føderalt agenturs godkjenning av mRNA-vaksinene på en befolkningsdekkende basis hadde ingen støtte fra en ærlig vurdering av alle relevante registreringsdata og tilhørende vurdering av risiko versus fordeler.
Gitt de omfattende, godt dokumenterte SAEs og uakseptabelt høy skade-til-belønning-forhold, oppfordrer vi regjeringer til å støtte et globalt moratorium på de modifiserte mRNA-produktene inntil alle relevante spørsmål knyttet til årsakssammenheng, resterende DNA og abnorm proteinproduksjon er besvart."
Den fagfellevurderte studien finner dere her:
Resten av innlegget + referanser kan dere lese her:

Re: Dr. Prof Reiner Fuellmich

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Ons Nov 27, 2024 8:06 pm

Again: Happy Easter!

Von: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Gesendet: Samstag, 8. April 2023 20:43
An: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich <r.fuellmich@fuellmich.com>
Betreff: Fear is the name of the game - the legal approach

Law is not hard, unless you go to law school in Germany, where you learn nothing about real life and everything about the most complicated theoretical legal doctrine in the most boring classes you´ve ever seen.

Every legal case, however, always starts with the facts, which make up the story. If you don´t get the facts right, then your legal analysis is useless, or, in your worst case scenario: you put the wrong man on death row. In our case at hand I would suggest the following approach at telling the story:


We need to start with exposing the Covid plandemic (not global warming or the free masons - or worse, that comes later) in three steps:

There was never a novel Corona virus, only the four endemic Corona viruses which have been endemic since, if I remember correctly, the 1960ies. That is why they (Mr. Global) chose this virus for rolling out the plandemic: It was everywhere anyway (in most flus and colds, for example), and if you set the PCR test for this virus only, plus misuse it grossly (45 cycles of amplification) you´re almost guaranteed to find it pretty much everywhere. Add to this pictures and videoclips of military trucks in Bergamo, Italy on streets littered with (probably mostly empty) caskets and white hospital tents in front of hospitals in Newy York plus the msm and politicians screaming: we´re all going to die, unless a vaccine is found, you have the start of the plandemic.

We know now, of course that up until the start of the “vaccination” campaign there were no excess deaths anywhere. The spikes in New York and Bergamo were the result of the panic and gross medical malpractise: 94% of the people who allegedly died of Covid in both cities, died of completely different causes. In Bergamo, patients in nursing homes had been vaccinated shortly before the “pandemic” (I forget if it was the flu shots or sth else) arrived, weakening their already weakened immune system further, then they transferred people who were probably suffering from the flu to the nursing homes to make room for all those poor victims of the plandemic. In the nursing homes the flu killed many of those patients who´s immune system had been deliberately weakened. Similar story in Newy York: Many fled to the hospitals in panic who would otherwise (without the panic mongering) have stayed at home, or even in bed to recover. There some ran into nosocomial infections, others died of the “Fauci protocol” which ordered the doctors to use remdesivir and put people on a respirator. Bottom line, however: No excess mortality up until the start of the “vaccination” campaign anywhere, just panic mongering. Even then the WHO and Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford university found that the Infection Fatality Rate of this allegedly novel Corona virus was between .14 and .15%; in hindsight, however, according to a newer meta study, this virus plandemic- just like its precursor, the swine flu in 2009 (check the video “profiteers of fear” on youtube) – turned out to be no more dangerous than a mild flu. Some people experienced the loss of smell and taste, or felt that this was somewhat different from a regular flu. But the loss of smell and taste happens with the flu as well, and whatever made this feel different (chemtrails?, for example may have added to this): There was no excess mortality until the start of the “vaccination” campaign. Plus: There have always been alternative methods of treatment available which have always worked for the flu: Vitamin C, D, zink, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc. But Fauci et al ordered not use them, which translates into purposeful withholding of – effective ! -treatment, for the sole purpose of making them take the “vaccine”, as the definition of herd immunity all of a sudden excluded natural immunity who´s protection should have taken center stage.

Add to this: The politicians who were trying to make us believe that panic was in order kept on partying and flying on airplanes without any masks on. Would they have done this if if there had been a dangerous novel Corona virus out there? The flu all of a sudden disappeared completely when Covid hit. Doctors seem to have forgotten about differential diagnostics (which even the CDC advised in order to find out what really caused the symptoms) and since when was there such a thing as “asymptomatic infections”? Mr. Global has full control over the msm, so how come the fight over “gain of function” experiments entered the mainstream debate? Could it be that that, too, was designed to make people believe that we were dealing with a very dangerous (“it comes from a lab, and there, they work on making viruses more dangerous”) virus.

At any rate: The PCR test was never approved for diagnostic purposes, and it cannot tell us anything about infections, as its creator, nobel prize laureate Kary Mullis said over and over again – regardless of matter how it is applied. Among other problems: it cannot distinguish between “dead” and “live” matter, and it never finds a whole virus, which is needed for an infection, as whatever is taken from the throat or the nose is destroyed or quashed before it goes into the machine. The kicker, of course, is that the now infamous idiot Drosten from Charité university in Berlin (at the behest of the totally corrupt WHO which went on to recommend his test as the gold standard for the detection of infections to the entire world) set his test to 45 cycles of amplification when the usefulness of the test ends at 24 cycles, and you end up with more than 90% false positives at 35. The experts who have testified to this are – among others – Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Jay Couey, Dr. Sona Pekova (PCR) and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger and Dr. Silvia Behrend (who worked for and/or advised the WHO and have insider knowledge about the “cases” were created with the help of the misused PCR test,in order for the WHO to declare the (freely invented by them) public health emergency of international concern, which would then be the basis on which they (the WHO with no democratic authorization whatsoever) claim the use of untested new drugs was possible.

What this – the deliberate and premeditated creation of the plandemic - adds up to is, of course: intent.

Here´s a brilliant presentation by biologist Dr. Jay Couey from Pittsburgh that explains most of this scientifically.

https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/Pj_rV ... WHmJO61SUv

Experts: Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Jay Couey, Dr. Sona Pekova, and many others

The "vaccines" were already known to Biontec/Pfizer as highly dangerous and potentially lethal (myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clotting) when they applied for a patent for them in Nov 2019 (!). This brilliant presentation by Italian research biochemist Dr. Gabriele Segalla proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt:


Experts: For example Dr. Gabriele Segalla, Dr. Hedley Reese, Prof. Werner Bergholz and many others.

This shows intent on the part of the “vaccine makers” to cause deadly harm

So why was this not detected when this toxic cocktail went through the medical trials, why was it approved by the health care authorities in the US, Europe and everywhere else? Because no studies were conducted at all, because the health care authorities have long since been captured by those oligarchs behind the pharmaceutical industry, and because, as Brooke Jackson´s case against Pfizer showed: The government is not “our”, but “their” government, the same is true for “our” agencies. The power that was really in charge was the DoD (just like the military was – crucially - involved in this in Germany, and probably everywhere else, too): The “trials” where, as RFK, jr put it in an excellent interview with Sasha Latypova: Kabuki theater; they just pretended to do these trials to make the people believe that they had been tested and shown to be “safe and effective”. In reality, this (not the virus) is the bioweapon which the DoD used against its own people, the American populace – but also against everyone else. This excellent podcast interview by Robert F Kennedy, jr with Sasha Latypova shows it beyond a shadow of a doubt:


Experts: Dr. Sasha Latypova, Brooke Jackson, Katharine Watt and many others

This shows intent on the part of the “government” and its agencies, and: this leads right into part two of the “case” = the story to be exposed in a court of law: sdrn only a show was done, and in truth the DoD = the Deep State wanted to use bioweapons gg the own people, because in truth it's not the own people, and not the own government, sdrn the worldwide Deep State, which goes after the whole mankind u only disguises itself as "own" government and "own" authorities with Katherine Watt u Sasha Latypova


Who is behind this and what is the purpose of all this?

This could be dealt with next: The eugenics background, the freemasons, the Vatican, House of Windsor, British eugenics society founded in 1906, American eugenics society founded in 1926, UN and UNESCO, WHO, WEF (CIA creation, in 1971), Young Global Leaders program (1992, among the first to graduate: Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, later Tony Blair, Jose Aznar, etc., now: Jacinda Ardern, Ursula von der Leyen (president of the EU, another CIA creation in my view), Sebastian Kurz of Austria, and of course, Justin Trudeau). All that money (stolen from us, the people) poured into msm (their most important propaganda tools) and politics by those who are pulling the strings (Mr. Global) of their puppets, the above mentioned people and entities.
Ultimate goal: population control by way of population reduction plus (for those who survive) setting up a one world government under the utterly corrupt UN and a one world digital currency, issued by their bank, of course. In order to get us to go along with this, permanent panic mode is necessary in their view, so these tools out of their tool box come in handy: global warming/climate change, food shortages, energy shortages, Ukraine war, possibly war in south east asia. According to their SPARS plan (of 2017, Johns Hopkins) all those politicians who are beginning to apologize ore even stepping down, and even the Swiss government now letting go of the “vaccines” and threatening to hold any doctor responsible if they continue with this, is just part of the agenda, maybe “limited hangout”, as they are now under much more pressure than expected; too many of us have woken up and are not playing along.

At this point we´re dealing with genocide.

Spirituality will also need to be discussed, as this dimension appears to be crucial (not so much religion, as the churches, too, seem to have been infiltrated: Where have they been over the last 3 years? And: Look at the pope and the Dalai Lama pushing the “vaccines”,

We will need to organize this second part, but that can be done when we see how part one works out. We did this before, in our Model Grand Jury Investigation.


And we are still in touch with those experts, many of whom have become friends.

What we were lacking is an independent judiciary that would give us a fair hearing, and hear our witnesses and look at our documentary evidence. That has changed, and now we are ready for the real thing.



Now Reiner Fuellmich have a new platform. https://icic.law/

Danke Schøn Reiner. :wink: Many globalist are shaking now. Now they are to be in jail for rest of theire lives!

BmOnline forum Admin.

Sist flyttet til topp av BmOnline den Ons Nov 27, 2024 8:06 pm
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