9/11 - The Day the Kremlin Indirectly Enhanced

US marines act like nazis, killing people because best friends?
Do we accept this kind of behavior in our stoves? Almost all americans have one iron in they jacet, who cares? What kind of madness is this?

Do they really copy the muslim selfbombers in some way?
Amerikanerne lever av kuler og krutt.

9/11 - The Day the Kremlin Indirectly Enhanced

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Søn Jan 07, 2018 4:44 pm

Norulv Øvrebotten

A post on Facebook and on Google+ from 13 November 2016

9/11 - The Day the Kremlin Indirectly Enhanced Its Secret Power Over the U.S.

"The morality of the intelligence world can never be compared with the normal moral thinking of normal people."

Markus Wolf
Former Stasi head, East Germany.

911 is a fake:

https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-destr ... true/32392

Her snakker en pensjonert brannmann som nå er pensjonert- Rudy Dunn- om tragedien da twin towers ble sprengt, ja demolert med vilje av amerikanske myndigheter. Han forteller at han har sett dette flere steder i Amerika i (1993) og han var også på jobb den dagen tårnene ble sprengt i 2001. Han sier også at 911 var en Falsk Flag operasjon, noe han nå kan si, fordi han er pensjonert.
Videre sier han at INGEN må tro på dagens massemedia, som lyver så det renner- derfor er han glad for at damen som invervjuer ham bidrar til at sannheten om massemorderne kommer for en dag.
Han sier at han den dagen mistet mange venner som arbeidet i brannvesenet i New York, så mange som 343 brannmenn omkom.

Som jeg også kan føye til, som brannmann i 25 år i Luftfartsverket i flyhavariberedskap døgnkontinuerlig tjeneste dvs jul, påske osv.
Parafin kan ikke smelte stål kontstruksjoner i betong. Ikke bensin heller-. Men nano-sprengstoff kan det- da det er så kraftig at alt blir til støv.
Det er bare en ting å si- disse kgb lakeiene som står i bresjen for dette- havner snart i kasjotten. DET må skje!!
Det ønsker jeg å bidra med.
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Federal Grand Jury Will Finally Hear Evidence Of A Controlle

UNREAD_POST Ground Zero » Tor Sep 12, 2019 8:02 am

Federal Grand Jury Will Finally Hear Evidence Of A Controlled Demolition On 9/11


The Facts:

The 9/11 Truth Movement has opened an avenue to prosecuting those responsible for the shocking destruction of the World Trade Center and the horrible loss of life that resulted. A U.S. attorney will be taking evidence to a special grand jury.
Reflect On:

This is a citizenry movement, one that relies on citizens and regular professionals taking action. It's great to see initiative being taken in a world of censorship. This isn't a democracy, if it was, this information would be public, not ignored.

This year will mark the 18th anniversary of 9/11, a tragic event that will be remembered throughout history, and one that’s often considered responsible for the ‘waking up’ of millions of people. Though 9/11 was incredibly heartbreaking, it ultimately served a purpose, similar to how the false flag chemical attacks in Syria served a purpose.
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These events allowed so many people to become aware of all the lies and manipulation that occur within our government. They helped us understand the connections that the Western military alliance and intelligence agencies have with these so-called terrorist organizations, as many academics and politicians have directly accused the Western military alliance of creating groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda through fake video campaigns, funding, and providing weapons in order to prolong the ‘war on terror.’

Politicians like Vladimir Putin have accused the West of hiring paid mercenaries to make up these terrorist groups because their presence gives our government justification to infiltrate other countries for various reasons including resource extraction and the destabilization of governments. This has been a common theme since World War II, as we’ve witnessed numerous false flag terrorist attacks such as 9/11, which was allegedly created by the US in order to justify their invasion of Iraq and other parts of the Middle East in search of “weapons of mass destruction.”

That being said, there are many people who avoid discussing the ‘why’ behind these events, and instead have investigated what physically happened on that day.
The Science Does NOT Support The Official Story of 9/11

Thousands of architects and engineers have been investigating what happened on 9/11 for years, and their conclusions match that of the majority of the American people: What we were told by the government regarding 9/11 was a complete lie. There have been multiple studies published in peer-reviewed engineering and physics journals concluding that all three towers were brought down by controlled demolition (see below). Even the president of the United States, Donald Trump, has stated that 9/11 was a controlled demolition, which is something a ‘Deep State‘ president would likely never do. Let’s not forget about the Pentagon, where there was absolutely no footage and no plane wreckage to confirm the story.

For years, hundreds of thousands of people have been calling upon the US government to investigate 9/11, and now progress is finally being made. On April 10th of this year, the non-profit Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry filed a petition with the U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, Manhattan, requesting that he present to a grand jury the extensive evidence of federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center high rises on 9/11. The petition cited conclusive evidence, providing proof of explosives and incendiaries employed at ground zero to bring down the twin towers as well as the WTC building #7.

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