President Trump will soon be back, but first..

Hva er Krf? Mange tror at de står for de kristne verdiene, men det er helt feil. Det er noe de selv vil at du skal tro. Så galt fatt er det i den "syklubben" Krf. Hvordan kan jeg si det? Jo, de har lite med vår Herre å gjøre, men mer med Paven å tøve. Janne Haaland Matlary- som var pavens tidligere rådgiver holdt et kurs for Krf, hvor de skulle lære meget om pavens nærhetsprinsipp, subsidiaritetsprinsippet. Tenk det, mørkets irrganger. Krf har hoppet til køys med paven! Er det rart at kristendommen er borte i Norge? De kaller seg religiøse, men de forstår ikke at det er Satan også!
Å være kristen, har intet med å være religiøs!
Vår Herre ville aldri at vi skulle herske og så splid, lage stengsler og politiske agendaer som Guds vilje. Det er imot Guds Ord. Folket skal være fritt i Herren Kristus Jesus. Det er Herren som eier idividene, og synd om dem som ikke gjør Faderens vilje.

President Trump will soon be back, but first..

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Søn Mar 21, 2021 10:30 am

Kjellaug Solvang delte med meg:

Of course Trump said no to take the vaccine.
Why would he not?
He helped make sure it would get to market. TO OPEN UP THE USA. How do you undo 150 years of BRAINWASHING? You can't. Not if you are up against the Deep State and their entire BULLHORN Fake News media that has been saying for decades that vaccines are safe, effective, and the only way to STOP DISEASE.
Trump has said he would not mandate it, and he has said he prefers therapeutics. What happened when Trump said we could use HCQ for COVID? Well, besides its discussion being banned in social media, Democrat Governors banning it, and pharmacies banning it, the Deep State also created fake studies that "proved" it did not work.
What do common folk believe in? VACCINES.
How long would the USA remain locked down without a vaccine?

Movement he made just begins.png
It's something that must be done- before I am back in, I am the only President of USA.

We do not have years. Why is Biden "President?"
Among other things, to ensure Dem States will open back up - they would stay closed if Trump were still President.
This is FAR BIGGER than thousands dying from a vaccine or tens of thousands being injured by it (hey, maybe this will finally wake up the pro-vaxxers?).
Would you rather have multiple USA cities destroyed by nuclear bombs, which was the PLAN by the Deep State before Trump stepped in (with Patriots in our military) and put a stop to it.
I'm as anti-vaccine as they come, and I know exactly what Trump is doing, and I approve. This is about SAVING THE USA FROM CERTAIN DESTRUCTION. If you have ANYONE in your family or friends who wear a mask, or plan to get the vaccine, or believe the govt is here to save us, then TRY to change their mind. You will not be able to. Why? 150 years of brainwashing.
Trump must move with that brainwashing in order to save the USA, and the world, from enslavement. Pull it together. Figure out what's really going on. And why.
We are at WAR.
People die in war. Those who refuse to listen to us (anti-vaxxers), may indeed die. There are HUNDREDS of hit pieces on me alone - most everyone in the USA & Australia have heard of anti-vaxxers and they can decide at any moment to learn more.
I support President Trump. This is bigger than the COVID vaccine. This is about humanity's survival.
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Re: President Trump will soon be back, but first..

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Ons Jun 30, 2021 9:02 am

Nå er President Donald J Trump tilbake, the Lion is back!!

This Video of President Trump Dancing.mp4 [ 11.55 MiB | Vist 18081 ganger ]

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