Endless Series of Kremlin Deception Successes During 100 Yea

Norulv Øvrebotten skriver om den russiske og morderiske fremgansmåten å undergrave et styresett ved bedrag og mord på et hvilket som helst kontinent i verden, som i Norge.

Endless Series of Kremlin Deception Successes During 100 Yea

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Man Sep 18, 2017 7:00 pm

Norulv Øvrebotten

Endless Series of Kremlin Deception Successes During 100 Years

Joseph Stalin established the United Nations as well. Indirectly.

In addition to establishing the CIA, Stay Behind and the NATO in the same way.

The recipe was the big success of the communist "The Trust" in the 1920s and 1930s in which the Bolsheviks created resistance movements against themselves abroad.

Patriotic Russians that had fled the country after the communist coup d'etat in 1917 were fooled to join the false opposition groups and were killed in thousands. By the secret services of Joseph Stalin. In particular in Europe.

After many years patient work in deep secrecy, the Kremlin has managed to turn the Western states themselves into big Russian-controlled Trusts.

So we are all trapped. Like the opposition in Russia 80 years ago.

Of course, President Vladimir Putin has got control over such resistance against himself within his secret empire of the world.

He plays a lot military and politically against himself to mask the realities of worldwide power beneath the surface,

The UN is in another category. A little bit.

First and foremost Joseph Stalin needed a middleman in global scale to have success with endless series of deception operations in which the aim is achieved indirectly by fooling number three to commit treason, wars and other criminal acts against number two.

The KGB's success of founding the UN has been formidable.

There's a slight chance that the climate of the globe has changed, but the routing of this Russian deception operation that the Kremlin launched in the 1980s, through the UN system makes it not likely.

It's more likely that China and Russia want to grab more goodies and moving the rest of the Western industry base out of the West.

Be aware that everything is false in deception operations of the KGB.

Only the consequences are real when the smart political gangsters of the East during 100 years succeed in fooling you decades on end to act or not working on the false premises that they are fabricating non-stop.

Western puppets are doomed to become reactive accomplices in the many deceptive operations and charades, and nothing makes stronger solidarity than committing something wrong or crimes together. That makes strong glue between people for a lifetime.

When you have identified the secret techniques of deception of the KGB that has been the engine of development in all issues of importance, you can track down the consequences at all levels and put the events into a right context.

Then you get the big picture. The actual and genuine and fair view.

In real time of the past and the present.

That's what we have done in a ultra-secret project within Western Intelligence over the last twelve years after I had a breakthrough in my research in the field between 2002 and 2005.

What about the UN declaration of human rights and these rights increased role in the political debate and within the law practice all over the world, especially in the West?

Is that a mafia scheme as well?

Of course.

The smart guys of the Kremlin saw that by killing more than 100 million people in the name of socialism, this promise of heaven on earth wasn't that attractive as in the 1930s.

That's why Putin wears a new Venetian mask and has got a former Norwegian prime minister, Thorbjørn Jagland, into the position of General Secretay of the European Council.

You are in safe hands when Putin takes care of your human rights.

Vladimir Putin has few illusions.

Apparently, he has lost his belief in the homo sapiens completely.

"You don't get high thoughts about human beings after some years in this business," the experienced KGB-officer and Tsar said recently.

President Vladimir Putin consols himself with the wisdom of an old Russian saying.

"If your destiny is that you'll be hung, you are not going to drown," Putin told an American journalist with a smile. In an interview earlier this year.
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Jagland fikk beskjed om korrupsjon flere ganger

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Søn Jul 21, 2019 8:35 pm

Generalsekretær i Europarådet skal gjentatte ganger ha blitt varslet om korrupsjon i parlamentarikerforsamlingen uten å foreta seg noe.

Det er Aftenposten som i en lang artikkel redegjør for hvordan Aserbajdsjans ambassadør til Europarådet flere ganger tok opp hjemlandets såkalte kaviardiplomati med generalsekretær Jagland.

Politikerne i Europarådets parlamentarikerforsamling (PACE) ble ifølge varsleren vartet opp med rådyre luksusreiser, middager, gullklokker, ekstravagante gaver, kilovis med kaviar og rene pengeoverføringer.

Hensikten var å kjøpe deres lojalitet og stemmer i parlamentarikerforsamlingen, ifølge avisen. Tidligere ambassadør Arif Mammadov kaller kaviardiplomatiet korrupsjon.

Jagland bekrefter de hemmelig møtene, som fant sted mellom 2009 og 2012, men han avviser at han fikk høre om noe kaviardiplomati eller korrupsjon: – Han fortalte om det som foregikk i Aserbajdsjan: hvordan rettssystemet var politisk styrt, hvordan maktforholdene var i landet, og at det ikke var et åpent demokrati, sier Jagland.

Trussel mot PACE

Riktignok kom Jagland med kritiske kommentarer for fem år siden, blant annet om at «Aserbajdsjansk kaviar er en trussel mot uavhengigheten til PACE».

Men han framholder nå at han uansett ikke hadde kunnet handle på bakgrunn av påstandene. PACE er uavhengig, og han som generalsekretær kunne derfor ikke ha tatt initiativ til en granskning.

Les også: Jagland fyrer løs mot norsk presse igjen

Aftenposten har intervjuet et 50-tall norske og internasjonale parlamentarikere, embetsmenn, diplomater, organisasjoner og forskere i forbindelse med denne saken. I tillegg har avisen gått igjennom et 20-tall rapporter og snakket med et 30-tall opposisjonspolitikere, menneskerettighetsforkjempere og journalister fra Aserbajdsjan om Europarådet. Opplysningene herfra understøtter Mammadovs påstander, ifølge avisen. De aller fleste av kildene ønsker ikke å bli navngitt.

Fryktet maktkamp

Også tankesmia European Stability Initiative har skrevet flere rapporter om «kaviardiplomatiet» fra 2012 og årene fremover.

Jagland sier at han fryktet at ambassadøren drev med dobbeltspill, og at han ikke kunne risikere å bli dradd inn i en lokal maktkamp eller bli fristet til å si negative ting om Aserbajdsjan som senere kunne bli brukt mot ham.

Også sveitsiske Andreas Gross, som var medlem av PACE fra 1995 til 2016, kritiserer Jagland for ikke å ha gjort noe med den mulige aserbajdsjanske korrupsjonen i Europarådets parlamentarikerforsamling (PACE). (©NTB)

Les også: Jagland lover gjennomgang av politiets metoder i Catalonia

https://www.msn.com/nb-no/nyheter/verde ... 55?ocid=se

Sist flyttet til topp av BmOnline den Søn Jul 21, 2019 8:35 pm
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