Gender madness and neutral sex

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Gender madness and neutral sex

UNREAD_POST Gertrud » Tor Jul 02, 2015 9:07 am

Hvordan er det muligt, at jeg først nu opdager en ihærdig og lærd Tanja Bergkvist, når jeg siden 1968 har været i kamp mod de kommunistiske kræfter, der arbejdede med at nedbryde kernefamilistrukturen. Det skyldes teknisk ukyndighed og at jeg ikke har formået at vække den fornødne interesse blandt andre medkæmpere. De lavprioriterede det usympatiske emne eller forstod ikke konsekvenserne. Nu har en venlig sjæl endelig - (seks år forsent!!! Jeg græmmes!) - røbet Tanja Bergkvsts indsats for mig. Jeg skynder mig at videresende denne artikel fra sidste år, hvor netop alt stod på højkant med EU's og WHO's vanvittige krav om at småbørn fra 3-4-års-alderen skulde lære om sex.

Gender madness exposed – rushing around with Russia Today

augusti 25, 2014

Kjønnsnøytralt idioti.jpg
Old good annonsements are removed to make "alles paletti" madness.
Kjønnsnøytralt idioti.jpg (2.88 KiB) Vist 2441 ganger

I really think the gender madness has gone too far...
I really think the gender madness has gone too far…
Some time ago I was rushing around with Russia today (Hi Katya, Andrej and Aleksej – gender aware greetings to you! :-) ) in Stockholm. Or more precisely, they were rushing after me with a camera and filming, while I was filming the Swedish gender awareness with my own camera. I have not been a part of editing the film or choosing which material should be included (imagine me talking and doing things from morning to evening for several days – it’s quite a lot ;-) ). I see that the team has picked out some fun parts – I often forgot I had a microphone on me all the time – but I also miss some parts that I was talking about, so before I link to the film you are about to see, I want to complete with some information (with so many hours of video material I understand that the RT-team could not take in everything that I was talking about – then the film would have to continue for many days… ) since I think some important stuff was left out, although the film is entertaining, not least for my friends who are sending me sms-messages right now, stressing me to blog about it. :-) I hope you will enjoy it too and together with this text understand what the gender madness is about.

The gender experts required a woman on the sign, but then they complained the woman was to stereotype having breasts and a dress! Then how to illustrate a woman, not to be confused with a man?! They are never satisfied...
The gender experts required a woman on the sign because women are also crossing the street, but then they complained the woman was to stereotype having breasts and a dress! Then how to illustrate a woman, not to be confused with a man?! They are never satisfied…
I often see that a lot of people from abroad are trying to read my blog by running the URL:s through google translate, so let me try to summarize things here, so that you fully understand the dumbing down industry that is taking place in Sweden, and the gender madness which surrounds us every day. The best way to illustrate things are with concrete examples – otherwise you may think that this gender madness really has something to do with equality between men and women, and not with an ambition to deconstruct our whole civilization as such – which is it´s final goal, obviously… The madness has gone too far, but by motivating everything with words like equality, gender, democratic ideals etc, the gender lobby has finally managed to convince the politicians that the solution to almost every problem of society is a gender analysis. And then we also have projects that are so crazy that they illustratePoe’s law: Without a blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won’t mistake for the real thing.Maybe that’s why I should have sent my mathematical parody of the project ”The Trumpet as a gender symbol” (70.000 Euro from the Swedish Research Council to investigate the trumpet from a gender perspective –The Tumpet -research description ) to the Swedish Research Council, instead of the newspaper where it was published as a parody.

The Trumpet from a gender perspective. Still unexploited areas of research are ALL OTHER INSTRUMENTS ON EARTH from a gender perspective!
The Trumpet from a gender perspective. Still unexploited areas of research are ALL OTHER INSTRUMENTS ON EARTH from a gender perspective.
I would, in the same manner, probably get funding for trying to investigate equations in two variables x and y, where x is the female component and y the male component, from a gender perspective. For example, I could count the number of times x and y occur in the students’ textbook, and investigate which variable is constantly being assigned a larger exponent in research articles – and how this inherent gender power structure is affecting the self-confidence of the female students, and whichmathematical norms are responsible for the rigid society we are living in – namely a normed vector space. And what about the gender neutral complex variable z? After integration of a function with respect to z – what can we say aboutthe primitive function?

Se videre om Tanja Bergkvist på Wikipedia !

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