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5 Piloter døde av vaxine, les rottegift.

UNREAD_POSTSkrevet: Tir Jul 20, 2021 4:27 pm
5 Piloter døde etter å ha tatt rottegiften de kaller vaksine.

Piloter døde av vaxx.jpg
Hvorfor dør 5 piloter etter å ha mottatt rottegiften Covid 19, de kaller vaksine?

5 pilots from Jet Blue are dead after taking the vax. Aslo 4 pilots from BA died after having taked the vax.

Any clue?

Don't take the rat poison, and you will stay put!! ... ead-watch/


Jeg skrev på Fakebook

UNREAD_POSTSkrevet: Lør Jul 24, 2021 4:32 pm
Sorry lad, most people are FOOLED and here's why: When you got shot by a gun, then it occur side-effects- and the same when you have been fooled by Covid show 19 degrees poison, it does not exist, but the poison sure do, that kills you.

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Hvor lenge skal sadistene holde dette massemordet gående?
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