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Dr Paul Thomas om Covid og vaksine løgnen

Søn Jan 17, 2021 1:36 pm
Her kan dere høre om Dr Paul Thomas som ble utsatt for angrep fra Oregon Medical Board.
The Oregon Medical Board has suspended the license of Portland Dr. Paul Thomas, citing multiple cases in which he allegedly failed to adequately vaccinate patients, including one involving a child who contracted tetanus and required hospitalization.

- Dødelige vaksiner er hva "Mengele frakkene" av i dag- setter i dagens mennesker- i dekke av et virus som ikke finnes!
According to last week’s order, the medical board can temporarily suspend a medical license without a hearing when it has evidence that a doctor’s continued practice constitutes an immediate danger to the public, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported.
The medical board wrote: “The Board finds that Licensee’s conduct has breached the standard of care and has placed the health and safety of many of his patients at serious risk of harm.”
Men sannheten er- det er de politisk korrekte gale doktere som er en "serious risk of harm". Se videoen som er lagt ved:
Re: CORONA er løgn, sier World Doctors Alliance i Verden

Fre Mar 26, 2021 1:26 am
Canada issue