Lyset har vunnet over Mørket, jfr Evergreen ship

US marines act like nazis, killing people because best friends?
Do we accept this kind of behavior in our stoves? Almost all americans have one iron in they jacet, who cares? What kind of madness is this?

Do they really copy the muslim selfbombers in some way?
Amerikanerne lever av kuler og krutt.

Lyset har vunnet over Mørket, jfr Evergreen ship

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Tir Apr 12, 2022 10:45 am

« Back to the history timeline, in the 1960’s, JFK was killed trying to dissolve the Federal Reserve, and the Deep State assassinated him for it. The money control is their main weapon. There are notebooks, thick ones, the Alliance has the exact scenario to take down the Cabal. But it has been in high-gear since the 9/11 false flag. The plans have been developed over that time. The Alliance goes back to Howard Hughes and Nicola Tesla, in the 1920’s. The Q team was formed by JFK in the 1960’s and after his assassination, 200 U.S. Generals & Admirals aligned with the Alliance started the plan to take down the deep state cabal. It has been six decades in the making, and the current plan has been created and modified with the help of the military and using quantum computers for future timeline scenarios. The Q Anon group of 200 loyal generals, and citizens that were concerned and involved, that American would be taken over by socialism. After 9/11, the Q group made their winning plans, to be a win, no matter what the Deep States does to counteract it. Understand, with Operation Mockingbird in the 1950’s created by the CIA. This was media takeover operation. The Deep State has controlled 90% of the MainStream Media, and the major internet companies. Knowing the Republican Tea Party, they slowly destroyed the image, reputation and heart of just conservative Republicans on the Fake News Media. The Deep State mafia media did the same to the Q Anon group who followed the “Q” Drops posted on 4 Chan or 8 Chan from October 2017 to December 2020. People need to understand, this was a way to bypass the fake news to get information to the military and the public for the real truth. President Trump was the first one to “shout out FAKE NEWS” to the public; just one of his major accomplishments. President Trump was attacked endlessly by Fake Media. Also, President Trump was the first to use “Twitter” to bypass the Fake News Networks to “make sure his words did NOT get twisted, by the corrupt press. »

« Military action was needed to cut the head of the snake off as soon as possible even before Trump’s inauguration, with taking down the top 13 illuminati families. Let me tell you about the first major action taken by the Alliance and it was multi-raids at the same time on December 24th, 2016 »

« Understand about the evil underground safe haven for the illuminati operations. There were over 3,500 Dumbs worldwide with 10,000 miles of Magnetic Levitation Trains in tunnels built by the illuminati connecting most major D.U.M.B.’s; to trafficking Children, people, Drugs, and processing Adrenochrome. The mighty Alliance has been taking out the tunnels and DUMB’s really since the 1980’s but the real push has been since President Trump first took office. Gene Decode kept all us Anon’s informed for years of the progress of the tunnel and D.U.M.B.’s worldwide, by the pattern of earthquakes that were about 3, 5, and 10 kilometers down, all over the world. His “decodes” were perfect to keep up on the secret war with the illuminati. »

« The real reason for the Notre Dame Fire was to stop the Child Sacrifices that were about to happen on Easter weekend. The Alliance warned the people inside to get valuables out of it, and five days before Easter Sunday, the Alliance hit it with a DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) (Laser Weapon) from a space satellite or a TR3B U.S. Air Force anti-gravity craft. This happened on April, 15, 2019 and was a major win in the secret war with the illuminati. This was a warning to the Vatican to stop all child sacrifices. I found out later that about 600 children were planned to be sacrificed that weekend, to try to resurrect Lucifer himself into a body. »

« ... Fake Biden is president of absolutely nothing, except the 10 square mile area of D.C. that is really not part of America. About 80% of Congress members have been arrested and charged, the same as all of the Supreme Court. It was determined by the Military that these two entities that allowed Biden into office without a proper due process; were “captured entities”. »

« In January to February 2021 timeframe, the CCP allegedly had troops in Canada, and the Mexican border to come over into America after Biden took office at about 250,000 to 300,00 range. The CCP had bought property in Oklahoma to place troops there too. The Alliance made good on their threat back to the Deep State to “take them out” when CCP troops went through underground tunnels in New York State too,... »

« The last major push for the illuminati, was creating the fake Covid-19 crisis and to get everyone vaccinated in the goal to depopulate the world to 500 million worldwide; for their final control push.... »

« The Evergiven Ship, stuck in the Suez Canal in March of 2021, was a major win for the Alliance. The mighty Alliance stopped many things to their destination, including: Weapons of Mass Destruction (nuclear and bio-weapons) Adrenochrome, aborted Baby Fetus tissue to use in vaccines, and live children in the ship’s containers. All containers were searched on the ship by Alliance Special Forces. The Evergreen ship that was in the Suez Canal was stuck there to reveal many things including Child Trafficking. There were over 1,245 children rescued on that ship inside containers. There were about 1,200 children found dead in the containers too. »

For more, please read the following article. It has all the information for the record of our time. You can also find this information in a few books, I’ve shared some on my website in the past year. ... 53959.html

Originally from: ... t-has-won/


Melding fra Russlands president Vladimir Putin til alle nasjoner i verden:
Kjære innbyggere på vår vakre planet Jorden! Jeg, den russiske føderasjonens president, Vladimir Putin, har bestemt meg for å henvende meg direkte til dere alle, utenom diplomater, deres herskere og journalister. I Russland er det noe som heter "muntlig tradisjon", hvor man ikke kan lyve, lure og jukse. Så jeg vil snakke ærlig slik at alle kan bekrefte sannheten av mine ord. Russland er et stort og rikt land. Hovedverdien er mer enn 150 mennesker som bor i et territorium der rettferdighet er fremfor alt. Vi trenger ikke nye territorier. Vi har en overflod av energi og alle andre ressurser. Siden Great Tartary og Great Mogul, har folkene i Nord-Eurasia ikke utviklet seg på grunn av plyndring i korstogene og koloniseringen av Amerika, Afrika, India, narkotikaavhengighet i Kina, men takket være deres harde arbeid og fred. De som kan russisk forstår at "russisk" er et adjektiv for alle folkene i landet vårt. Russiske slaver, russiske tatarer, russiske jøder, russiske evenker og så videre er russere i hjertet, selv om deres kultur, språk, livsstil kan variere. Vi ønsker dette mangfoldet av enhet velkommen. Nok en gang blir de russiske folkene i Russland tvunget til å ofre livet, og beskytte verden mot nazisme og fascisme. Vi byttet ut 50 av våre krigsfanger med 50 ukrainske soldater. Ukrainske soldater fikk medisinsk hjelp på våre sykehus, spiste tre store måltider om dagen og reiste hjem. Vi tok imot russiske soldater med avkuttede fingre og kjønnsorganer. Ikke engang nazistene gjorde det under den siste krigen. Vi vil legge frem disse bevisene i en fremtidig domstol. Det vil være synd for alle som nå støtter disse jævlene. Dine herskere i USA, Europa, Japan, Australia og andre land har stilt seg på disse undermenneskenes side, som setter sivile, gravide kvinner og barn foran seg i kamp, ​​bevisst lemlestet krigsfanger. Det er vanskelig for meg å forestille meg en sunn, sunn person som støtter disse monstrene. Og dine tiggere, skolebarn, makroner og andre mørkets demokrater beskytter ikke bare kriminelle, men bevæpner dem også aktivt, forsyner dem med penger, noe som ikke er nok til å holde prisene i landene dine lave. Prisene stiger, verden kollapser, men ikke fordi russerne renser Europa for nazistiske onde ånder, men fordi du i det stille ser på og faktisk støtter den nye bølgen av nazisme. Denne gangen skal vi ikke til Berlin. Vi vil stoppe ved våre historiske grenser, og alle de onde nazistene, som dine herskere åpner dørene på vidt gap for, vil arrangere et nytt "krystallliv" for deg, slik nazistene gjorde, og legge til omskjæring av reproduktive organer. Jeg appellerer til alle som ønsker å leve og arbeide i fred, oppdra barn og være venner med verdens folk. Hjelp Russland med å bekjempe en ny kreftsykdom - ukrainsk nazisme. Ikke Ukraina bebodd av fredelige og hardtarbeidende mennesker, men nazisme, matet av hauker fra USA og NATO for dine skatter. Hvis herskerne dine støtter nazismen, driv dem ut de tre portene, ta makten i egne hender. Ukrainske nazister beskytter seg mot kuler til sivile, deres herskere, under påskudd av det forferdelige Russland, har også bestemt seg for å flytte byrden av høye priser og forestående problemer til befolkningen. Både i Ukraina og deg lever nazistene godt bak ryggen til vanlige borgere, og vanlige mennesker burde lide – dette er identiske forbrytelser både i Ukraina og i Vesten. Hvis vi slår oss sammen, så vil det om en ny uke ikke være nazister i Ukraina, det normale livet vil komme tilbake til Europa, USA og andre land, og sammen skal vi dømme de ukrainske nazistene og alle herskerne som støtter nazismen i den nye domstolen. Målet vårt er riktig. Vi vil beseire nazismen. Jeg vil gjerne dele denne seieren med alle sammen og så fort som mulig. Målet vårt er riktig.
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