THE MASSKILLERS are taken out

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THE MASSKILLERS are taken out

UNREAD_POST Riksanw R Fuellmich » Man Feb 14, 2022 4:47 pm

NOTE: 1). There is a 10-minute silence at the start, so move the slider to the 10-minute mark. 2). At the 29:28-mark, Dr. Fuellmich’s 18-minute presentation starts. If you have already viewed it and want to skip it, move the slider to the 47:36-minute mark.


Attorney Reiner Fuellmich Opening Statements by @ Grand Jury Before Trial Start Next Week

In this pre-trial opening statement of that presents information of the plandemic agenda, all those behind implementation of orchestrating the hoax virus that was the flu all along, suppression of medications that would have cured ones from the virus, and intentional genocidal murder using the “spike protein†weapon as part of their, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum, the United Nations and more. All those testifying on these crimes are nationally and internationally known doctors, scientist, virologist, and economic experts. There names and backgrounds are mentioned in the pre-trial video. These experts will reveal all the evidence that governments, media, and so-called fact checkers have been censoring as ‘misinformation†as to protect themselves from there lies and crimes. As information and documented evidence is laid out, it will open the way here in the United States for medical malpractice lawsuits of epic proportion. Many will go to prison. And with indictments, many face the probability of being sentenced to death as happened after WWII in the Nuremberg trial for illegal experimentation on its citizens, breaking all Nuremberg Law Codes for which, the United States subscribes to and falls under. It will be interesting to watch the trials as they start sometime next week. You will find a complete transcript of the video below that I transcribed because reading the information is better digested in the brain than by way of the ears.

Tom Armstrong

Investigative Researcher For

Mission Possible World Health INTL

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich's Opening Statements @ Grand Jury, Court of Public Opinion

Published February 5, 2022

[BOMBSHELL. Everything and everybody exposed in this scheme. The truth is coming out.]

February 5, 2022

[] ... ic-op.html

(18 minutes)

Transcript prepared by Tom Armstrong

Finish Attorney at Law in Germany for an overview. Thank you!

Good afternoon. My name is Reiner Fuellmich, and it is my pleasure to serve as one member of a group of distinguished international attorneys and lawyers who have been collaborating on this very important case for many months now. This case involving the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a Corona pandemic on a global scale looks complicated only at first glance. But when you put together all of those pieces, all those little pieces of the puzzle, as we will do this for you with the help of many renowned experts and other witnesses during this proceeding you will see four sets of facts.

1). There is no Corona pandemic but only a PCR test plandemic fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world's population. This agenda long planned. Its ultimately unsuccessful precursor was the swine flu some twelve years ago. And it was cooked up by a group of super-rich psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time have no empathy and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us. The people of the world. They're using our governments and the mainstream media, both of which they literally own, to convey their Panic propaganda 24/7.

Grand Jury
Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion

19. februar 2022.
Thank you Dr Sucharit Bhakdi for your lovely speak from the GRAND JURY! ... tated.html

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: "We're looking at an agent that has no benefit whatsoever... If there's any suspicion that an agent in the experimental phase is causing illness and death, that experiment has to be stopped on the spot... The spike protein can be found in the blood of vaccinated people... This looks premeditated."

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Riksanwalt Adv. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich kjører full pakke mot massemorderne, jfr Nürnbergkoden.
Det betyr at alle som har blod på sine hender i å ha forsømt menneskerettighetene, jfr drepe ved å benytte gift, allerede er å anse som non grata. Med andre ord kasjotten. Så vi trenger ikke å bekymre oss, Amen!
Riksanw R Fuellmich

Corona ROLLOUT information

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Man Feb 14, 2022 5:01 pm

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
2). The virus itself can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C, D, zinc, etc. And also was off-label use of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. But all these alternative methods of treatment but real methods of treatment were banned by those who are using the guise of this plandemic to push their ultimate goal, which is to get everyone to receive the, as we will show in this proceeding, not only ineffective but highly dangerous. Yes. Lethal experimental injections.

3). The same people who made the swine flu, which ultimately turned out to be a mild flu, into a pandemic 12 years ago by first changing the definition of what a pandemic is, and then creating panic, created this coronavirus pandemic. The swine flu was their first real attempt at creating a pandemic. And just as one of its purposes then was to divert our attention from the blatantly fraudulent activities of their financial industry. More aptly to be called a financial Mafia which had become visible through the Lehman crisis. And is also one of their major purposes of this corona plandemic now. Had we taken a closer look then during the Lehman crisis instead of blindly believing our governments, government's promises that the perpetrators of those financial crimes will be held liable, we would have seemed then that they had been losing and plundering our public coffers for decades. And we would have seen that our governments are not our governments anymore. Rather they have been taken over by the other side through their main platform, the World Economic Forum, which had started to create their own global leaders through their young global leader’s program as early as 1992. Two of the first graduates being Angela Merkel and Bill Gates. And we would have understood already then what we will show you now through these proceedings. These financial crimes went unchallenged by our politicians because they are aiding and abetting those who commit them and profiting from these crimes.

4). Ultimately however, we will show it to you, the jury, that the other side's main purpose is to gain full and complete control over all of us. This involves the finalization of their losing and plundering by deliberately destroying our small and medium-sized businesses, retail businesses, hotel, and restaurant, so that platforms such as Amazon can take over. And this involves population control which, and their view, requires both a massive reduction of the population and manipulating the DNA of the remaining population was a help for, example of mRNA experimental injections. But it also requires in their view the deliberate destruction of democracy, the of the rule of law, and of our Constitution's through chaos. So that ultimately we will agree to losing our national and cultural identities, and instead will accept a One World Government under the UN, which is now on the full control of them and their World Economic Forum. A digital passport through which each and every move is monitored and controlled. And 1 digit currency which we will only be able to receive from One World Bank.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
There's of course. At the conclusion of the case and after you have heard all the evidence we are confident that you will recommend indictments against all six putative figurehead defendants. Christian Drusten of Germany, Anthony Fauci the United States, Tedrus of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, Black Rock, and Pfizer. Ladies and gentlemen, this case is about a long-planned agenda of a group of ultra-rich people and their financial Mafia based in the city of London and on Wall Street to use a pseudo pandemic as a guise behind which, while our attention is on the pandemic, they want to complete their decades-long effort to gain full and complete control over all of us. There are numerous platforms on which this group has been meeting and discussing this agenda. But the most important one is that of the World Economic Forum which was invented in 1971 by a then 33-year-old Klaus Schwab. Its members are a thousand Global corporations with at least five billion US dollars in annual sales, politicians, media representatives, scientist, and other so-called high-profile personality. They meet once a year and Davos. But there are other such meetings for example, in China. And since 1992 they have created and presented to us their own group of political leaders for the world.

Among the first graduates, as I mentioned before, Angela Merkel and Bill Gates in 1992. Others are Sebastian Coates. Up until recently Chancellor of Austria, Justin Trudeau. Prime Minister of Canada. Jacinta Arden, Prime Minister of New Zealand. Emmanuel Macron, President of France, and many, many, more. This group, which is now called The DAVOS Clique, is openly the publication the great reset by Klaus Schwab is one of the most important sources for this formation promoting the shifting of the world's assets to this group of super-rich people so than in 2030 “ordinary people will owe nothing and be happy†as it explicitly states there. Under the One World Government was a digital currency given to us by their One World Bank. And they're also openly promoting and close cooperation with people like the putative defendant Bill Gates, The Rockefellers, and others, a drastic reduction of the world's population, and the manipulation of the remaining populations DNA all the way into transhumanism. Their most important goal is however, the controlled, them of course, implosion of the completely luted financial system and simultaneous introduction of a digital currency issued by One World Bank controlled by them.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
And just as important the introduction of a world government under the UN which has come under their full control in 2019. For this purpose they have made concrete plans for this corona plandemic since at least the spring of 2001, Operation Dark Winter followed by another such rehearsal the lockstep exercise by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010 it finally Event 201 in October of 2019 in New York in concert with sponsor by the (second voice overlay interference) _ _ _ _ John Hopkins Center, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will tell us right from the start, members of the jury will call a highly number of different, highly renowned expert witnesses from all walks of science. But also witnesses who will testify to the damage that they suffered as a result of getting the experimental injections in this trial. After our opening statements, we will start off in a week from now by calling former members, a member of the US military James Bush who participated in Operation Dark Winter in 2001. Former members of the British Intelligence Services. Brian Gerrish & Alex Thompson, and investigative journalist Whitney Webb and Matthew Arid. Former World Health Organization employees and advisers, Dr Silvia Behrend, Dr. Stokol Burger. They will explain to us the historical and geopolitical background of what we are confronted with. And they will show it to us how this agenda has been planned for at least 20 years start starting was Operation Dark Winter in 2001, and um, some ten years later, the lock step scenario by the Rockefeller Foundation ending with dress rehearsal Event 201 in October of 2019. And they, and they will explain how, when there were no cases, which they needed to declare a public health emergency of international concern, they created them by having defended Drusten invent the story of asymptomatic infection, which don't exist. And how this PCR test can detect through mass screening of perfectly healthy people, those who are infected. A lie, as we will show.

We will continue with the next group of witnesses. Dr. Wolf Convolik (?), and experienced lung specialist and former member of the German Bundestag and the Council of Europe. who managed to expose the other side's first attempt at a pandemic, the swine flu of 12 years ago as a mild flu. Professor Ulrika Camera, biologist from Virtsbrook (?) University. Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer. Dr. Silvia Behrend. Dr Aster Strogelburger (?), Professor Dolores Cahill of Dublin University, Professor Antonietta Gatti (?) from Italy. Professor Berkalts (?) from Germany. These experts will explain to us what is behind the legend of the Wuhan Wet Market outbreak. They will show that the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu. The PCR test cannot tell us anything about infections. But is the only basis for all anti-Corona measures including the ultimate measure the so-called vaccines and the so-called vaccines are not only ineffective, but extremely dangerous.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
Regardless of the natural or man-made origin of the virus, our immune system is perfectly well capable of dealing with the virus as evidenced by an infection fatality rate of between .14 and .15, or even less percent. There was no excess mortality anywhere until the experimental injections started. There were not even any cases in early 2020. However, they needed cases in order to declare a public health emergency of international concern, as this was the only basis on which it would be possible, according to their own made-up rules which all governments of the member states of the World Health Organization had agree to, to use untested new drugs, experimental injections, on people. After a first failed attempt at announcing this Public Health Emergency of international concern, because there was no cases. they tried again in late January of 2020, after they had created cases with the help of that now Infamous Drostin (?) in PCR test and announced this Public Health Emergency of international concern two weeks later. We will hear from these experts that these cases were almost all false positive test results. Nothing else.

The next groups of experts on Dr. Thomas Bender from Switzerland. Dr. Brian Ardis from Texas. Dr. Shankara Cheddy (?) from South Africa. And talk to Wolfgang Vodor (?) from Germany. And John O'Looney (?), Undertaker from England. These experts will tell us how right from the start, we were witnessing a deliberate, completely senseless banning, of normal effective and safe methods of treatment of respiratory diseases. And instead, a mandate of treatments that must now be considered serious medical malpractice. Intubation, remdesivir, midazolam. John O'Looney (?) will explain how he first, believing the other signs allegations about a pandemic, even helped the BBC in pushing their panic propaganda until he realized how, under the guise of the pandemic, people were intentionally being killed.

We will then call the next group of experts including Professor Alexandra Oliocode (?) from France. Dr. Mike Yeadon, Professor Soucherie (?) Bhakti from Germany. Professor Luc Montagnier from France. Dr. Vanessa Smith Krueger from Germany. Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the MRNA vaccine technique from the US. And Professor Ana Bokock (?), pathologist from Germany. They will show us that while the virus did not cause any excess mortality it has a survival rate of 99.97%. The shots are now killing people and have been causing excess mortality of up to 40% since September as a result of a poisoning with a spike protein and of shutting off our immune system. Dr. Mike Yeadon will tell us how a group of scientists has even found concrete evidence that the makers of the vaccines are experimenting with lethal dosage to see how the lethal side effects can be manipulated in such a way that the population will not immediately understand what is happening.

The next group of experts will explain to us how it could have come to this this. In this group includes Professor Matias Desmeth (?) from Belgium. Dr. Alihon (?) Beliron (?) from France. Dr. Meredith Miller from the US. Professor Hahide (?) Villa from Germany. And Stefan Conan, employee of the German Department of the Interior. These experts will walk us through how the other side, after having established the public health emergency of international concern in quick succession, introduced us to the lockdown, the nonsensical and dangerous mask mandates, and the very harmful, both physically and psychologically, social distancing until they arrived at their ultimate goal, the ineffective and dangerous even lethal Injections. And they will explain to us in detail how our acquiesce to all this was made possible through a gigantic psychological operation whose panic message we kept receiving through the mainstream media, and our politicians, both owned by the other side. Relentless propaganda.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
The next group of experts includes Lezlie Manukian of former investment banker from the US. Naomi Wolf journalist, and author from the US. and Volf (?), a German Economist. Professor. Christian Kist, German Economist. Professor Halvo (?) Vaco (?) German Economist. And Marcus Cross, a German Economist. This part of the preceding would have these experts explain to us in great detail about the intentional destruction of our economies and how the other side is working on a controlled crash of the financial system to both get away with the crimes that they have already committed over the past decade. A decade's looting and plundering our public coffers until there's nothing left and to introduce a One World Bank and digital currency, plus digital passport.


Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice ... iminal_co/


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Corona ROLLOUT information ll

UNREAD_POST BmOnline » Man Feb 14, 2022 5:04 pm

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
2). The virus itself can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C, D, zinc, etc. And also was off-label use of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc. But all these alternative methods of treatment but real methods of treatment were banned by those who are using the guise of this plandemic to push their ultimate goal, which is to get everyone to receive the, as we will show in this proceeding, not only ineffective but highly dangerous. Yes. Lethal experimental injections.

3). The same people who made the swine flu, which ultimately turned out to be a mild flu, into a pandemic 12 years ago by first changing the definition of what a pandemic is, and then creating panic, created this coronavirus pandemic. The swine flu was their first real attempt at creating a pandemic. And just as one of its purposes then was to divert our attention from the blatantly fraudulent activities of their financial industry. More aptly to be called a financial Mafia which had become visible through the Lehman crisis. And is also one of their major purposes of this corona plandemic now. Had we taken a closer look then during the Lehman crisis instead of blindly believing our governments, government's promises that the perpetrators of those financial crimes will be held liable, we would have seemed then that they had been losing and plundering our public coffers for decades. And we would have seen that our governments are not our governments anymore. Rather they have been taken over by the other side through their main platform, the World Economic Forum, which had started to create their own global leaders through their young global leader’s program as early as 1992. Two of the first graduates being Angela Merkel and Bill Gates. And we would have understood already then what we will show you now through these proceedings. These financial crimes went unchallenged by our politicians because they are aiding and abetting those who commit them and profiting from these crimes.

4). Ultimately however, we will show it to you, the jury, that the other side's main purpose is to gain full and complete control over all of us. This involves the finalization of their losing and plundering by deliberately destroying our small and medium-sized businesses, retail businesses, hotel, and restaurant, so that platforms such as Amazon can take over. And this involves population control which, and their view, requires both a massive reduction of the population and manipulating the DNA of the remaining population was a help for, example of mRNA experimental injections. But it also requires in their view the deliberate destruction of democracy, the of the rule of law, and of our Constitution's through chaos. So that ultimately we will agree to losing our national and cultural identities, and instead will accept a One World Government under the UN, which is now on the full control of them and their World Economic Forum. A digital passport through which each and every move is monitored and controlled. And 1 digit currency which we will only be able to receive from One World Bank.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
There's of course. At the conclusion of the case and after you have heard all the evidence we are confident that you will recommend indictments against all six putative figurehead defendants. Christian Drusten of Germany, Anthony Fauci the United States, Tedrus of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, Black Rock, and Pfizer. Ladies and gentlemen, this case is about a long-planned agenda of a group of ultra-rich people and their financial Mafia based in the city of London and on Wall Street to use a pseudo pandemic as a guise behind which, while our attention is on the pandemic, they want to complete their decades-long effort to gain full and complete control over all of us. There are numerous platforms on which this group has been meeting and discussing this agenda. But the most important one is that of the World Economic Forum which was invented in 1971 by a then 33-year-old Klaus Schwab. Its members are a thousand Global corporations with at least five billion US dollars in annual sales, politicians, media representatives, scientist, and other so-called high-profile personality. They meet once a year and Davos. But there are other such meetings for example, in China. And since 1992 they have created and presented to us their own group of political leaders for the world.

Among the first graduates, as I mentioned before, Angela Merkel and Bill Gates in 1992. Others are Sebastian Coates. Up until recently Chancellor of Austria, Justin Trudeau. Prime Minister of Canada. Jacinta Arden, Prime Minister of New Zealand. Emmanuel Macron, President of France, and many, many, more. This group, which is now called The DAVOS Clique, is openly the publication the great reset by Klaus Schwab is one of the most important sources for this formation promoting the shifting of the world's assets to this group of super-rich people so than in 2030 “ordinary people will owe nothing and be happy†as it explicitly states there. Under the One World Government was a digital currency given to us by their One World Bank. And they're also openly promoting and close cooperation with people like the putative defendant Bill Gates, The Rockefellers, and others, a drastic reduction of the world's population, and the manipulation of the remaining populations DNA all the way into transhumanism. Their most important goal is however, the controlled, them of course, implosion of the completely luted financial system and simultaneous introduction of a digital currency issued by One World Bank controlled by them.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
And just as important the introduction of a world government under the UN which has come under their full control in 2019. For this purpose they have made concrete plans for this corona plandemic since at least the spring of 2001, Operation Dark Winter followed by another such rehearsal the lockstep exercise by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010 it finally Event 201 in October of 2019 in New York in concert with sponsor by the (second voice overlay interference) _ _ _ _ John Hopkins Center, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will tell us right from the start, members of the jury will call a highly number of different, highly renowned expert witnesses from all walks of science. But also witnesses who will testify to the damage that they suffered as a result of getting the experimental injections in this trial. After our opening statements, we will start off in a week from now by calling former members, a member of the US military James Bush who participated in Operation Dark Winter in 2001. Former members of the British Intelligence Services. Brian Gerrish & Alex Thompson, and investigative journalist Whitney Webb and Matthew Arid. Former World Health Organization employees and advisers, Dr Silvia Behrend, Dr. Stokol Burger. They will explain to us the historical and geopolitical background of what we are confronted with. And they will show it to us how this agenda has been planned for at least 20 years start starting was Operation Dark Winter in 2001, and um, some ten years later, the lock step scenario by the Rockefeller Foundation ending with dress rehearsal Event 201 in October of 2019. And they, and they will explain how, when there were no cases, which they needed to declare a public health emergency of international concern, they created them by having defended Drusten invent the story of asymptomatic infection, which don't exist. And how this PCR test can detect through mass screening of perfectly healthy people, those who are infected. A lie, as we will show.

We will continue with the next group of witnesses. Dr. Wolf Convolik (?), and experienced lung specialist and former member of the German Bundestag and the Council of Europe. who managed to expose the other side's first attempt at a pandemic, the swine flu of 12 years ago as a mild flu. Professor Ulrika Camera, biologist from Virtsbrook (?) University. Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer. Dr. Silvia Behrend. Dr Aster Strogelburger (?), Professor Dolores Cahill of Dublin University, Professor Antonietta Gatti (?) from Italy. Professor Berkalts (?) from Germany. These experts will explain to us what is behind the legend of the Wuhan Wet Market outbreak. They will show that the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu. The PCR test cannot tell us anything about infections. But is the only basis for all anti-Corona measures including the ultimate measure the so-called vaccines and the so-called vaccines are not only ineffective, but extremely dangerous.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
Regardless of the natural or man-made origin of the virus, our immune system is perfectly well capable of dealing with the virus as evidenced by an infection fatality rate of between .14 and .15, or even less percent. There was no excess mortality anywhere until the experimental injections started. There were not even any cases in early 2020. However, they needed cases in order to declare a public health emergency of international concern, as this was the only basis on which it would be possible, according to their own made-up rules which all governments of the member states of the World Health Organization had agree to, to use untested new drugs, experimental injections, on people. After a first failed attempt at announcing this Public Health Emergency of international concern, because there was no cases. they tried again in late January of 2020, after they had created cases with the help of that now Infamous Drostin (?) in PCR test and announced this Public Health Emergency of international concern two weeks later. We will hear from these experts that these cases were almost all false positive test results. Nothing else.

The next groups of experts on Dr. Thomas Bender from Switzerland. Dr. Brian Ardis from Texas. Dr. Shankara Cheddy (?) from South Africa. And talk to Wolfgang Vodor (?) from Germany. And John O'Looney (?), Undertaker from England. These experts will tell us how right from the start, we were witnessing a deliberate, completely senseless banning, of normal effective and safe methods of treatment of respiratory diseases. And instead, a mandate of treatments that must now be considered serious medical malpractice. Intubation, remdesivir, midazolam. John O'Looney (?) will explain how he first, believing the other signs allegations about a pandemic, even helped the BBC in pushing their panic propaganda until he realized how, under the guise of the pandemic, people were intentionally being killed.

We will then call the next group of experts including Professor Alexandra Oliocode (?) from France. Dr. Mike Yeadon, Professor Soucherie (?) Bhakti from Germany. Professor Luc Montagnier from France. Dr. Vanessa Smith Krueger from Germany. Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the MRNA vaccine technique from the US. And Professor Ana Bokock (?), pathologist from Germany. They will show us that while the virus did not cause any excess mortality it has a survival rate of 99.97%. The shots are now killing people and have been causing excess mortality of up to 40% since September as a result of a poisoning with a spike protein and of shutting off our immune system. Dr. Mike Yeadon will tell us how a group of scientists has even found concrete evidence that the makers of the vaccines are experimenting with lethal dosage to see how the lethal side effects can be manipulated in such a way that the population will not immediately understand what is happening.

The next group of experts will explain to us how it could have come to this this. In this group includes Professor Matias Desmeth (?) from Belgium. Dr. Alihon (?) Beliron (?) from France. Dr. Meredith Miller from the US. Professor Hahide (?) Villa from Germany. And Stefan Conan, employee of the German Department of the Interior. These experts will walk us through how the other side, after having established the public health emergency of international concern in quick succession, introduced us to the lockdown, the nonsensical and dangerous mask mandates, and the very harmful, both physically and psychologically, social distancing until they arrived at their ultimate goal, the ineffective and dangerous even lethal Injections. And they will explain to us in detail how our acquiesce to all this was made possible through a gigantic psychological operation whose panic message we kept receiving through the mainstream media, and our politicians, both owned by the other side. Relentless propaganda.

InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [10.02.2022 15:28]
The next group of experts includes Lezlie Manukian of former investment banker from the US. Naomi Wolf journalist, and author from the US. and Volf (?), a German Economist. Professor. Christian Kist, German Economist. Professor Halvo (?) Vaco (?) German Economist. And Marcus Cross, a German Economist. This part of the preceding would have these experts explain to us in great detail about the intentional destruction of our economies and how the other side is working on a controlled crash of the financial system to both get away with the crimes that they have already committed over the past decade. A decade's looting and plundering our public coffers until there's nothing left and to introduce a One World Bank and digital currency, plus digital passport.


Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice ... iminal_co/



InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [14.02.2022 13:45]
Working group Skandinavien Common Law Court of Justice
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InitiateQ NESARA NORGE, [14.02.2022 14:21]
Vi jobber alle på den samme veien - til NATURAL LAW!!! Viktig at noen kan sette seg inn i dette, oversette til norske - skandinaviske forhold - da jeg ikke rekker alt. Nå er så mange grupper igang - og hver dag våkner mange flere. Så jeg ber dere alle - skap lokale grupper - studieringer - og sett dere inn i dette - det handler om vår framtid - og det må skapes motstandsgrupper lokalt - så vi får igang lokale diskusjoner - og opplyse alle politikere i kommunestyrene - så vi kan bruke demokratiet slik det er ment fra starten av. Nå brytes grunnloven - og WHO forsøker å iverksette tvangsvaksinering utenom kommunenes viten og vilje - der de skaper en tvangsmessig hjemmel - mot de uvaksinerte. Så arbeidet hastter. - er det best jeg har funnet så langt. Så bidra gjerne - her handler det ikke om kunstige illusjoner om "krig" - men det handler om å redde alle levende kvinner og menn, barn og voksne, Og alle #snøball saker må fremmes. Her trengs folk som er villig å organisere og bidra. Ingenting skjer av seg selv. ENFORCE TRIBUNAL NATURAL LAW ORDERS
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Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic On the Indictment: Genocide & Crimes against Humanity by 5G-Pandemic Perpetrators

Final Judgment: Download FINAL JUDGMENT - NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL- November 29 2020 ... 2020-1.pdf

Indictment: Download INDICTMENT - TRIBUNAL.PUBLIC.HEALTH.JUSTICE-FINAL VER 1-11.15 ... -11.15.pdf

WATCH Trial Video Transcript - Part I

WATCH Trial Video Transcript - Part II ... 5df03250ba

CITATION: ... human.html


Tribunal Email Contact:

Big Pharma will go down like Big Tobacco as the criminal prosecutions go GLOBAL, targeting the vaccine fraudsters and mass murderers
Friday, February 11, 2022 by: Mike Adams
Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, biological weapons, bioweapons, Censorship, Collapse, crimes against humanity, criminal prosecutions, criminals, depopulation, medical mafia, pandemic, spike protein, vaccine deep state, vaccine wars, vaccines

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Image: Big Pharma will go down like Big Tobacco as the criminal prosecutions go GLOBAL, targeting the vaccine fraudsters and mass murderers
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